City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

July 6 City Council – and Utility Committee – teleconference details



TO:                  Media and Public


FROM:           Mayor Kathryn Thalman and Council President Jim Velas


DATE:             July 2, 2020





The ST. CLAIRSVILLE CITY COUNCIL will meet on Monday, July 6, 2020 via TELECONFERENCE, beginning at 7:30 P. M.

A Utility Committee meeting will take place prior to the regular scheduled Council meeting at 6:30 P. M.  This also will be teleconferenced.  Residents will be in a LISTEN ONLY MODE and may use the same dial-in number and access code provided for the main Council meeting.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the changes that have been made to Ohio’s Open Meetings Act (which temporarily allows public bodies to conduct meetings and hearings electronically during this state of emergency), the public may participate using the phone number and access code below.

Public bodies must provide public access to any meeting or hearing that the public would otherwise be entitled to attend.  Therefore, any resident who is interested in dialing in to the TELECONFERENCE is encouraged to do so.  Again, residents will be in a LISTEN ONLY MODE.

The dial-in number and access code are:

Dial-In Number                       800-338-7154

Access Code                            7135

Mayor Thalman and Council President Velas encourage residents to listen in and be informed.
