City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

April 18th, 2016 Council Minutes


April 18, 2016

St. Clairsville City Council met in Council Chambers on Monday, April 18, 2016 with the following present

Jim Weisgerber, Council President Terry Pugh, Mayor

Mark Bukmir, Council 3rd Ward Tom Murphy, Planning & Zoning Administrator

Linda Jordan, Council-At-Large Cindi Henry, Finance Director

Beth Oprisch, Council-At-Large Dennis Bigler, Service Director

Jake Olsavsky, Council, 1st Ward Richard Myser, Law Director

Frank Sabatino, Council 2nd ward Jeff Henry, Police Chief

David Trouten, Council, 4th Ward Lindsay Piccolini, Recreation Director

The meeting was called to order by Council President Jim Weisgerber


Minutes of the April 4, 2016 regular meeting were distributed to Council. A motion to accept the minutes of the April 4, 2016 meeting was made by Linda Jordan and seconded by Jake Olsavsky.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Abstain Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Five (5) Yes One (1) Abstain Zero (0) No Motion Approved


Mr. William Jeffers

Jim Weisgerber: Do you have anything new for us tonight? Mr. Jeffers: Yes I do. Number one why are you videotaping me Mr. Henry? You have been videotaping me since. Jim Weisgerber: Mr. Jeffers you are here to talk to us not Mr. Henry. I would appreciate if you would get on with what you are here for. Mr. Jeffers: Am I going to be able to have a few minutes here or are you going to interrupt me? Jim Weisgerber: If you smart aleck like you are starting out I am going to have you put out. I am not going to put up with this. Mr. Jeffers: Mr. Bigler this is for you. Read that out loud for us sir. It is something new. These are the pictures caused by the massive amounts of water coming from the school. Waiting for your response Mr. Bigler. Dennis Bigler: Why don’t you just tell me what the deal is? Mr. Jeffers: Why don’t you just read that? Dennis Bigler: I am not very good at being somebody’s puppet so why don’t you just tell me what your question is. Why don’t you just address Council and not even try addressing me. We have had one to many rounds already we are not going to get anywhere. Mr. Jeffers: Are you going to snarl at me like a rabid animal. Dennis Bigler: Yes that is what I am going to do. Mr. Jeffers: Well read that while you are doing that then. David Trouten: Is this something we should run copies of and address at the next meeting? We don’t know what you are talking about. Mr. Jeffers: This is where I was asked by Mr. Bigler and the whole city for permission to come on my property because there was no right-of-way. That is what that states. It’s a statement, he wrote it out. It is signed by me in blue, that is how I sign affidavits, but somebody put it in black. Wrote it out, printed it pretty close to me but I sign all my things in blue. Is it in blue sir? Mr. Myser. Is my signature on that? Richard Myser: Yes. Mr. Jeffers: What color is it in? Richard Myser: Blue, I don’t know if that makes any difference but it is in blue. Mr. Jeffers: That means I signed it. David Trouten: What are we talking about? Mr. Jeffers: That is when you asked for permission to come on my property. You want to laugh some more sir? Jake Olsavsky: I am allowed laugh if I want. David Trouten: You have not addressed council with any issues, can we move on? Mr. Jeffers: Those are tree branches caused by the massive water and the limestone dust that comes on to me every day that I am outside. Let’s put your kids and all the kids that are endangered. Jim Weisgerber: It seems to me Mr. Jeffers the points that you are making at this point are caused by the School system not the city. In previous meetings we have discussed with you (Mr. Jeffers: You own part of that land) seeing an attorney and going to the school system. I don’t think this is our issue. Mr. Jeffers: Is it you issue to publish my Social Security five times? I repeatedly asked the clerk. Jim Weisgerber: I don’t know where are you going with this? Mr. Jeffers: Stating things that need to be addressed. Jim Weisgerber: You made your point, I told you where I think you need to take it, and I think Mr. Myser would back me up on that. Mr. Jeffers: What to publish somebody’s social security number? Jim Weisgerber: I am not talking about that. You came in here with an issue of your property being maybe washed out, some ruts and dust. That is dust from the school. Mr. Jeffers: I didn’t say nothing about being washed out. I said about trees falling from the water running into my yard and the mud holes. Jim Weisgerber: Where is it coming from? Mr. Jeffers: It is coming across your road. Your access road. Jim Weisgerber: I think it is coming out of the drainage but I am not going to argue about that. You have made your point is there anything else you have to say if not you may be excused. Mr. Jeffers: Do you want to read that? Richard Myser: What is it? Mr. Jeffers: That is your permission to dig that ditch out and steal the soil and everything which you say in your minutes it will make it harder for him to take care of his property. That is your words Mr. Bigler. Mr. Henry, I don’t appreciate you calling me a liar which you have. I don’t appreciate you threatening me, saying you are going to arrest me if I walk on my property. You make sure you make note of that. Make sure it is recorded. Jim Weisgerber: I think we have heard enough and it is time for you to leave. I am going to ask you politely to leave without back talking like a three year old. Mr. Jeffers: I am not back talking, I am stating a fact. Jim Weisgerber: You mumble all the way out the door, you are sitting here ready to argue. Mr. Jeffers: I am stating a fact. Just a friendly warning is what he said to me. I will arrest you if you walk on your property. Jim Weisgerber: If you keep making trouble here sir that may come to an issue. Mr. Jeffers: Is that trouble when you state the facts? Jim Weisgerber: We have had enough so it is time for you to leave. Mr. Jeffers: You obviously don’t like the truth. Jim Weisgerber: I love the truth. It is time for you to leave. Mr. Jeffers: You shouldn’t have your job if you love the truth. Have a good day. Jim Weisgerber: It is getting better. Mr. Jeffers: I will be wanting my copies of this too and everything, do you need a subpoena to get the records I requested from the Police Department because I have been waiting two years for some. Richard Myser: I don’t know anything about them. Mr. Jeffers: Tell him they don’t exist.


Service Director, Dennis Bigler – No Report

Mayor, Terry Pugh

  • The Belmont County Bible Readers Marathon will start on April 29th and I am sure Mr. Jeffers would like to sign up for this. It is going to take place in front of the Courthouse in the Courthouse Plaza. The National Day of Prayer, the St. Clairsville Observance will be May 5th at the Courthouse. It will start at 11:30 with music by The Ron Retzer Trio. The program will be from Noon to 1:00. The featured speaker will be the Rev. Dean Myers of the Harbor of Hope Assembly of God. I will say the National Day of Prayer is an annual observance mandated by Congress. The theme this year is “Wake up America”.

  • I understand that Mr. Trouten went across a level road today. This is the first day the Street Department was able to get hot mix and they went out and got a number of the major areas today and they will be working on that in the future.

  • We need to get the Rec. Board set up and we need two from Council. David Trouten: Actually we only need one.

  • The other thing is the RITA Board. We have got to get that set up and we need two recommendations from Council for that.

  • There is an additional recommendation I need tonight and this is to replace Linda Jordan on the Park Board. She was a member there and she has recommended Kathy Loweecy. All I can go by is Linda’s outstanding recommendation. She is a long time resident of St. Clairsville, a grandmother and frequents the park. Linda Jordan: She is past president of the Child Study Club ad well as she was very involved in Women’s Aglow. Terry Pugh: As the Mayor I am recommending her for the Park Board and asking you to support me in that recommendation. Beth Oprisch made a motion to approve the recommendation of Kathy Loweecy to the Park Board. Jake Olsavsky seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Six (6) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved

  • This past week we started working with Clemens & Nelson and questioners were handed out to all the employees to fill out pertaining to their jobs because we are going to be starting the first phase of establishing an employee policy manual.

  • We took delivery of a new backhoe today. It was pretty impressive. It sure will help anywhere in the city. It has a longer reach, a clamper on the bucket and it osculates. It is something we never had before. Jim Weisgerber: Is this going to be a piece of equipment that is going to be shared by all departments? Terry Pugh: I am sure it will be there if needed but it is mainly for the Street Department. Their old backhoe was passed to the Sewer Department.

Police Chief, Jeff Henry

I paid the Finance Committee a brief visit and asked them for another Officer and a


Finance Director, Cindi Henry

It is my understanding you all got copies of the 2014 Audit that was just released. If you want it electronically I can email it to you. Beth Oprisch: Mine was emailed from the State Auditor’s Office.

Planning & Zoning Administrator, Tom Murphy

  • We do have a Planning Commission meeting set up for Monday, May 2nd at 6:00 item on the agenda is the plan approval for Kelly’s Suite II that is their new location at 235 W. Main Street. You might recall as part of their Zone Change they did have to go through a site plan approval process before the Planning Commission. They are submitting their plan. We do have a rough draft of the plan if any Council Member wants to stop in.

  • The other item on the agenda is a zone change request by Jack Malik. He is requesting a Zone change from CD Corridor District to OI Office & Institution. That is at 100 High Street. It is a large home at the corner of High Street and South Marietta Street. Hull & Associates would like to establish an office at this location. Again Monday, May 2nd at 6:00p.m.

  • One last reminder to the public that permits are required before you start work. We have already had a few incidents this year where people have moved forward with a project and it had to be stopped. Contact the city, we can review that process with you so you don’t get caught in that position.


Finance, David Trouten – No Report

Utilities, Frank Sabatino – No Report

Police, Mark Bukmir

  • No Police meeting tonight, just what Jeff said he thinks it is pretty important to have another Officer and Dispatcher.

Street North Side, Jake Olsavsky – They fixed the hole on North Market Street

Street South Side, Linda Jordan – No Report

  • Frank Sabatino – What type of ordinance do we have? I notice a lot of grass discharged on the streets. There are two or three on East Main and that is not even the side streets. I know it causes us problems down the road when we do get the heavy rain and it goes down the storm sewers. Jim Weisgerber: We will research that.

Safety, Beth Oprisch – No Report

Building & Grounds, Mark Bukmir — No Report

Planning Commission, Mike Smith – Not Present

Fire District, Frank Sabatino

  • Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 20th at 3:00 at the Main Station.

Recreation, David Trouten

  • There was a Rec Board meeting today. A number of items were discussed. The Summer Program is all lined up and ready to go.

  • The new Board members Megan Cook, Perry Jones, Cinda Weisgerber & Missy Gossett were all on board. The meeting went well. It is good to have new voices and new perspectives, I think it’s a good thing.

  • There was an Eagle Scout project presented. He wants to do something to help out the Rec. Center maybe a sign or fences something on that order. The Rec Board decided they would look around and see what is needed and contact the young man and get him going on it. That will be a good thing.

  • We do have one position to appoint to the Rec. Board. I thought it would be good to have a young family person with some kids in the system. I will throw a name out but I don’t know if it is pressing to do it tonight because there was a Rec Board Meeting today there will be another one on May 16th. The name I was going to throw out is Doug Butts, he is a Children Services Case Worker. He has a young son & daughter active in events. I think he would be a fantastic addition. Linda Jordan: I had a recommendation as well. I wanted to recommend Alicia Freeman who is a lifelong resident, she coached basketball on both junior high and senior high levels a total of 13 years. She coached track Junior and Senior High levels for 4 years total. She is involved with Rotary and Chamber of Commerce. She recently completed her second term on the Women’s Tri-County Help Center Board. She is a senior vice president and marketing director for Premier Banking & Trust. She has no children but she does have free time. Frank Sabatino: It looks like we have two quality people. Can we put both of them on there? Jim Weisgerber: Is there a limited number? David Trouten: I thought we had two to appoint but I am not sure that we do. Terry Pugh: The Charter says you have two and it is my understanding that there was still two left. David Trouten: We were talking about it before the meeting and I am not sure that is the case. Terry Pugh: Betty Trudo’s term has expired. All my recommendations you have approved. David Trouten: I don’t think we were counting Ed Bober who was just appointed last year. It was determined that I was not a member just a liaison from Council so two could be appointed. A motion was made by Jake Olsavsky and seconded by Beth Oprisch to appoint Doug Butts and Alicia Freeman to the Recreation Board.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Six (6) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved

Lindsay Piccolini, Recreation Director

  • Everything is going great down at the Rec. the Summer Concerts are booked we are just rolling pretty much. It is going well.

  • It is nice with the new Board, we have a lot of energy, and they have a lot of good ideas. We have a couple of committees to do some fund raising and to get the word out. We are going to start with volunteers like the Boy Scouts and hook up with the High School for a volunteer service. David Trouten: Lindsay had an idea to set up some committees that would include some Board members but also citizens in general just to get more inclusion. Frank Sabatino: I just wanted to commend Lindsay on an outstanding job that she has done for the Rec. Center and for the city in the almost year that she has been with us.

Park District, Linda Jordan

  • One of the coordinators who heads up the Drug Free Clubs of America Belmont County Chapter was at the meeting wanting to rent the pool for a pool party for the kids of Belmont County who belong to the program. The Board agreed to do this as an in-kind service as long as they paid the lifeguards.

  • They have switched accounting firms from Perry & Associates to Secrets.

  • The swim team signups are at the Rec Center on April 27th and there will be someone there to sell pool passes.

  • They approved the purchase of a front end loader for the tractor

  • The next meeting will be April 25th


Law Director, Richard Myser:

We are not going to be addressing Ordinance No. 2016-10 regarding the TIF. Tonight we have the third reading of Resolution No. 2016-16 which you all have copies of. We read it on the first time on March 21st and the second time on April 4th and it is ready for its third reading and approval tonight.

We will go into executive session very briefly under Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22 (G) (1) regarding personnel matters.

There was presented and read to Council on its third and final reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2016-16; A RESOLUTION TO INCREASE PERMANENT APPROPRIATION AND REPAY AN ADVANCE FOR THE NORMAL EXPENSES AND OTHER EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF ST. CLAIRSVILLE, STATE OF OHIO FOR THE PERIOD OF JANUARY 1, 2016 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2016. A motion was made by Jake Olsavsky and seconded by Linda Jordan that Resolution No. 2016-16 be passed by Council.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Six (6) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved


A motion was made by Jake Olsavsky to go into Executive Session per Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22 (G) (1) for personnel matters. Linda Jordan seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Six (6) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved


A motion was made by David Trouten and seconded by Jake Olsavsky to return to regular session.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Six (6) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved

A motion was made by Jake Olsavsky and seconded by Linda Jordan to allow Richard Myser to participate in the city health insurance at his own expense.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Six (6) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved

A motion was made by Linda Jordan and seconded by Jake Olsavsky to allow three months insurance to be paid for Scott Hamrick while he will be responsible for his $70 per month share while he is recovering from his illness.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Six (6) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved


The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 2, 2016 at 7:30 in Council Chambers.

There being no other business to come before Council a motion to adjourn was made by Jake Olsavsky and seconded by Mark Bukmir.

April 18th, 2016 Council Minutes