June 20th, 2016 Council Minutes
June 20, 2016
St. Clairsville City Council met in Council Chambers on Monday, June 20, 2016 with the following present
Jim Weisgerber, Council President Terry Pugh, Mayor
Mark Bukmir, Council 3rd Ward Tom Murphy, Planning & Zoning Administrator
Linda Jordan, Council-At-Large Jeff Henry, Police Chief
Beth Oprisch, Council-At-Large Dennis Bigler, Service Director
Jake Olsavsky, Council, 1st Ward Richard Myser, Law Director
Frank Sabatino, Council 2nd Ward
Mike Smith, Council-At-Large
David Trouten, Council, 4th Ward
The meeting was called to order by Council President Jim Weisgerber
Minutes of the June 6, 2016 regular meeting were distributed to Council. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Linda Jordan and seconded by Jake Olsavsky.
Roll Call Vote
Bukmir Yes
Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes
Oprisch Yes Smith Yes
Olsavsky Yes Trouten Yes
Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved
Mr. William Jeffers, 199 Young Lane
Jim Weisgerber: Mr. Jeffers you have five minutes: Mr. Jeffers: I won’t need that many. I have a question for Mr. Trouten. Are you the Sayer on your Mother’s side? David Trouten: I am not going to answer that question I don’t know how that is relevant. Mr. Jeffers: I just wanted to know how you practice, you are a mind reader. Jim Weisgerber: Let’s just stick to what you are here for Mr. Jeffers. Mr. Jeffers: That is what I am here for. David Trouten: Mr. Jeffers ask about something that we can vote on today. Mr. Jeffers: I have never had a vote for me, you haven’t answered stuff from three years ago. You checked my bill took the measurements of my pool, what did you figure out? Mayor Pugh: 7,646 gallons. Mr. Jeffers: You’re wrong. Mayor Pugh: That is not what the manufacturer says. Mr. Jeffers: Well you are wrong, I have talked to the guy that I bought it off of. He said 6,000 ok. Your incompetent person mislead me downstairs can’t add or subtract and caused me 20 some dollars. I have never had a $105 bill and I have never had 100 gallons. Mayor Pugh: This is Council meeting. If you are having trouble with your bill you are supposed to call. Mr. Sabatino is Chairman of the Utility Committee. That is where complaints in Utilities are handled. Mr. Jeffers: You over charged me, by the way when are you going to pay your bill? I brought it to you a number of times. Mayor Pugh: Pay what bill? Mr. Jeffers: You have an outstanding bill for using my property. Mayor Pugh: For using your property? Mr. Jeffers: Yes for runoff and I have not. Mayor Pugh: I think we have covered this before. Mr. Jeffers: You never answered them, why would you answer them? Since you won’t answer these we will get them one way or another. I don’t appreciate every time I challenge you I have some strange thing happen. I challenged you when you destroyed my front yard. Job and Family Services popped out, trespassed on my property. I went to the Police Station and Mr. Henry in his fashionable way blew a gasket again. Jim Weisgerber: I think it is time, you know what I think it is time for you to leave. All you are doing is bringing up a bunch of junk. I would suggest to you right ow Mr. Jeffers pick your stuff up and leave, otherwise you are going to be escorted out of here. Mr. Jeffers: I don’t need escorted I can walk. You can do the investigating ok. Or we will find somebody who does.
Service Director, Dennis Bigler
I just wanted to make Council aware that we selected a bid date, we have the specs together and I think the ad comes out Thursday. We will be opening bids on July 12th at noon for the paving.
We are having a meeting tomorrow where we are doing a little bit of strategizing at 9:30 in the morning with our Engineer, the Water Superintendent, the Mayor and a couple of other folks to discuss certain water line replacement projects and analyzing where we have been having a series of breaks and try to see where we can get some lines in some of those places and see what we can afford.
At the last meeting Cindi mentioned to you about the planned savings on the refinancing of the long term general obligation bonds. We got some firm numbers now, this is the actual deal. The final pricing for the 4.8 million, net interest cost of 2.23 % which is phenomenal. Think of that in terms of the water line projects. I can’t say the rate will be the same but it is a good time to be doing a large project. The total savings by refinancing those bonds is $761,600 or about 13.5%. Those numbers have been verified and the bonds are set to close on July 13th.
Another item that deals with finances we were notified today that the Governor’s Office of Appalachia is giving us some very competitive sought after limited edition funds that they have there. They are trying to get the money out the door before the end of the State’s budget. We have a worthy project in that water line that is going in to serve St. Clair Commons. We have received a $100,000 grant today for that.
One thing I forgot to give to everyone is a story on St. Clairsville. Eaton which is a large International Electrical Equipment Manufacturer put a feature story on St. Clairsville on their web page.
The last thing is we have the final TIF legislation in front of you tonight. If you think you have anything you might have a question on I have our Attorney on standing by in Columbus. We can get him on the phone right now. I asked him to stand by from 7:45 to 8:00 during my report. Jim Weisgerber: If there aren’t any issues I don’t see why we can’t read it out of order and get it done. If council doesn’t mind I would like to move on with the third reading. If there are any questions bring them up now. Beth Oprisch: I want to thank you for the opportunity to talk to the Attorney earlier in the week. I did have one question, I called him. Jim Weisgerber: You can thank the Mayor for that.
Roll Call Vote
Bukmir Yes
Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes
Oprisch Yes Smith Yes
Olsavsky Yes Trouten Yes
Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved
Ordinance No. 2016-10 was declared adopted.
Jim Weisgerber: It is important that we dug into this the way we did. I know it took a little extra time but I appreciate Council’s effort on this and also the fact that we have got it straight in our minds and we have approved it 100 % this will be beneficial for us so thank you very much I appreciate it.
Mayor, Terry Pugh
I also want to thank you all for your hard work in considering this issue. I know it has been ups and downs and around and around but it means a lot to the City. This should be the start of something good and again I commend you for your hard work and your vote.
It is good to see our Chief of Police here tonight even with his swollen knee. He looks like he is doing good and it is good to see his smiling face and good luck with the rehab.
I just want to mention that on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I went to my first ever Mayor’s Conference and I found it to be very worthwhile and interesting. There were a number of topics. I made contacts there, there were Mayor’s from 100 people Villages to the Mayor of Columbus. You had a wide range of people but the thing I took away right away was we all had the same problems it just cost a little more in some places to fix them. Another thing they mentioned there that I would like to see happen is some collaboration. I have been talking with some of the Trustees and the Superintendent of the School and one thing we are looking at is starting to pool together some of our resources and do some small paving jobs for each other. The School in respect that it is a common interest for the City and the Township. The fact that the Township has certain equipment, we have certain equipment and manpower and the School has money for supplies. So we are looking at trying to do that before summer is over. This is something that is being pushed throughout the State.
Police Chief, Jeff Henry – No Report
Finance Director, Cindi Henry – Not Present
Planning & Zoning Administrator, Tom Murphy: No Report
Finance, David Trouten:
We had a meeting tonight one thing we do want to share with Council is the Bond refinance is going to save the City over $761,000 in total savings which is even more than we anticipated.
Utilities, Frank Sabatino – No Report
Police, Mark Bukmir – No Report
Street North Side, Jake Olsavsky – No Report
Street South Side, Linda Jordan
I see they have marked off Neff Street on the paving list. I hope that means something good.
Safety, Beth Oprisch
I just wonder if I am the only person on this committee. Clerk: You, David Trouten and Jake Olsavsky.
Building & Grounds, Mark Bukmir — No Report
Planning Commission, Mike Smith – No Report
Fire District, Frank Sabatino
At this time we are tentatively scheduled to have our regular meeting this Wednesday, June 22.
Recreation, David Trouten
We had a meeting today, a couple of matters that were discussed: There was a track meet on the 21st for younger kids that was a big success. They are talking about maybe doing another one.
The City is talking about hiring an assistant director and we are moving forward on that now.
The Recreation Board is excited to learn that the basketball courts are on the paving list.
I want to put a plug in on July 5th our Community Days. There is a lot going on. There will be a Concert, venders, various activities, inflatables for the kids and fireworks
We are discussing having the Council Meeting at the Rec. Center on the 5th at 7:00. Utility meeting will begin at 6:15.
Park District, Linda Jordan
Shelter rentals have been great. I was through there on Saturday and every shelter except for one was occupied.
They were informed that they have to have a budget meeting prior to the first of July. They will be having that meeting on Monday, June 26 at 4:30.
Law Director, Richard Myser
You will see on the agenda that we have already taken care of Ordinance No. 2016-10 regarding the TIF.
The next Resolution is 2016-26. It actually is the second reading tonight. We had the first reading the last meeting that we had and we had some changes that the Council wanted me to make. I made those changes and copies were emailed to all of you on Friday. We could wait and do a third reading or we could pass it tonight. I talked to Robert about putting this in the paper if it passes tonight.
We have another Ordinance 2016-27. This is the one that Kathy gave me today. This is regarding our codification. Council Clerk: Apparently we are supposed to do it about the time we made the changes and when they looked at my list they could not see that we had done it last year. So they said this needed to be done before the new batch. Then we will have another one of these to do sometime this year. Richard Myser: By the way this has emergency language in it. There are six members here we can suspend the rules and pass it on an emergency measure tonight if Council wants to.
I don’t know if you send this many out every year but if seems like we have 5 or 6 grass cutting letters every week. Tom Murphy and I have been sending out letters. We also send letters to people who have various junk around the property. They seem to be responding for the most part to the letters that have been going out.
Another matter just to mention to Council Mr. Jeffers filed an appeal to the 7th District Court of Appeals. That case sat for a very long time he then eventually filed a brief in the case and the Court has set this down for oral arguments on July 27th in Lisbon, Ohio. I will probably attend that oral argument on behalf of the City. I don’t know what I am going to argue but I can at least make an appearance. Beth Oprisch: Can you say what the case is. Richard Myser: This was before you came on the Board, he was convicted of running a very loud amplifier during one of the football games. He was arrested, cited into Mayor’s Court and eventually went to Western Division Court. He appealed that to the 7th District Court of Appeals. He has no Attorney. I am sure the Court of Appeals could not make any sense of the brief he sent and we did not file a responding brief.
There was presented and read to Council on its second reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2016-26; A RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH RULES FOR CITIZENS OF THE PUBLIC TO BE PLACED ON THE AGENDA TO ADDRESS THE CITY COUNCIL AT OPEN MEETINGS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Mike Smith moved that the rules requiring ordinances and resolutions to be read on three separate readings be suspended and declaring an emergency: Jake Olsavsky seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote
Bukmir Yes
Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes
Oprisch Yes Smith Yes
Olsavsky Yes Trouten Yes
Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved
There was presented and read to Council on its third and final reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2016-26. A; motion was made by Beth Oprisch and seconded by Linda Jordan that Resolution No. 2016-26 be passed by Council.
Roll Call Vote
Bukmir Yes
Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes
Oprisch Yes Smith Yes
Olsavsky Yes Trouten Yes
Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved
Resolution No. 2016-26 was declared adopted.
There was presented and read to Council on its first reading by title only, ORDINANCE NO. 2016-27; AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE THE 2015 REPRINTING OF THE ST. CLAIRSVILLE CODIFIED ORDINANCES; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.
David Trouten: I wanted to address the issue that Dennis Bigler’s time is running out. We haven’t actually talked about the process there. I have been talking to the Mayor about it I thought the Mayor could give a report to Council. My concern is I would like to know as much as I can as we go through this process so we don’t get to the end and I get a name thrown at us that we don’t know. Mayor Pugh: I can tell you there has been one candidate interviewed last Thursday. Interviews are being conducted by Clemans Nelson, I am there I asked a few questions. We have I believe four more interviews scheduled this Thursday. As I have said Dennis is a hard man to replace, pickings are slim. We received over 50 resumes. The problem is his job title is Safety and Service Director. 42 or the resumes were people who were involved in Police work, Security work, Safety or Fire. None of them had experience in administration. We have some younger guys who have no experience but we are in the process of interviewing all the ones that do have experience. Like I said we have interviewed one so far. I don’t know any more than what I have read so far. So I could say by next Friday I will have a better idea of what we have available to fill the big shoes. Right now I can only tell you about one interview, he is an experienced individual. He has been a Service Director in a larger City than ours. David Trouten: We are kind of running out of time but we are hoping that Dennis is going to have some time with this person. Will Dennis be able to put some input in on the hiring process? Mayor Pugh: Well I have asked Dennis if he would and he really didn’t want to be a part of the interview process its self but hopefully there will be some overlap. Dennis will be nearby and I think he will be cooperative in assisting us in any way he can. I would say by next Friday I will have a better idea but right now all I can tell you is what I have read on a sheet of paper. Beth Oprisch: What is Clemans Nelson’s role? Mayor Pugh: They are actually running a structured interview. David Trouten: Is that part of the contract we have with them? Mayor Pugh: No that is something I asked them to do. David Trouten: Do we have to pay extra for that? Mayor Pugh: Yes. Beth Oprisch: Dennis when is your last day? Dennis Bigler: July 15th will be my last day here. Technically you can only retire on the end of a month so it will actually be July 31st but I have vacation to use. We are trying to tie up some things for you like the paving contract, we will have that ready to sign. I am trying to do one grant before I get out of here.
Mayor’s Report:
The Mayor’s Collection for May 2016 was $2,874.55. A motion to accept the Mayor’s report was made by David Trouten and seconded by Jake Olsavsky.
Roll Call Vote
Bukmir Yes
Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes
Oprisch Yes Smith Yes
Olsavsky Yes Trouten Yes
Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 5, 2016 at 7:00 at the Recreation Center.
There being no other business to come before Council a motion to adjourn was made by Frank Sabatino and seconded by Jake Olsavsky.