City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

August 16, 2021 Council Minutes


August 16, 2021 Meeting

Jim Velas, Council President                                            Kathryn Thalman, Mayor

Perry Basile, Council, 1st Ward                                        Jeremy Greenwood, Public Service/Safety Director

Mark Bukmir, Council, 3rd Ward                                     Don Smithberger, Super. of General Services

Terra Butler, Council, 4th Ward                                        Annette Williams, Finance Director

Linda Jordan, Council-At-Large                                       Matthew Arbenz, Chief of Police

Beth Oprisch, Council-At-Large                                       Tom Murphy, Planning & Zoning Administrator

Frank Sabatino, Council 2nd Ward                                   Elizabeth Glick, Law Director

Mike Smith, Council-At-Large

The meeting was called to order by Council President Jim Velas at 7:30 pm. President Velas led Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members of the public were thanked for their attendance.


Basile                   ABSENT                                Oprisch           HERE

Bukmir                 HERE                                     Sabatino          ABSENT

Butler                   HERE                                     Smith                   HERE

Jordan                 HERE             Five (5) Present                               Two (2) Absent

MINUTES: President Velas confirmed all councilmembers received the minutes from August 9th Special Council meeting. Councilwoman Oprisch made a motion to approve the minutes from August 9, 2021, Special Council meeting; motion seconded by Councilman Smith.


Basile                  ABSENT                                Oprisch            YES

Bukmir                YES                                       Sabatino           ABSENT

Butler                  ABSTAIN                               Smith               YES

Jordan                 YES

Roll Call Vote:    Four (4) YES    Zero (0) NO    Two (2) Absent     One (1) Abstain

Minutes Approved

NEW BUSINESS: Samantha Hearn from the Belmont Soil and Water Conservation District was seeking approval from the Council to host their 4th annual Boo at the Bike Trail on October 26th from 4-6 P.M. Ms. Hearn explained that the event is a trick or treat themed event that educates participants about some of the nocturnal animals that call our area home. Several educational stations will be set up along the trail for families to stop at, but no part of the trail will be closed.

Councilwoman Jordan made a motion to allow the Belmont Soil and Water Conservation District to host the Boo at the Bike Trail on October 26th from 4-6 P.M. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Oprisch.


Basile               ABSENT                           Oprisch              YES

Bukmir             YES                                  Sabatino            ABSENT

Butler               YES                                  Smith                 YES

Jordan              YES

Roll Call Vote:    Five (5) YES    Zero (0) NO    Two (2) Absent                 Motion Carried

REPORTS: Mayor Kathryn Thalman reports that Service Director, Jeremy Greenwood, Donny Smithberger our Superintendent of General Services, and Jeff Vaughn, engineer at Vaughn Coast and Vaughn, began putting a bypass plan together that would ensure that we would have very little interruption in water availability, as well to ensure that if another break like this occurs, we will not be as vulnerable as we are right now. Mayor Thalman stated that while the City is waiting on the necessary permits to install the waterline bypass, Service Director Jeremy Greenwood has obtained water from a local fracking company and has placed three water fracking containers near the recycling center as a contingency in case of a fire. Provisions were also made to bring water buffaloes in with potable water, should we find that we need it. FEMA was also contacted, which will also bring bottles and jugs for water to these water buffaloes should we find that we would need them.

Service/Safety Director Jeremy Greenwood reports that he received 13 applicants for the Director of the Rec Center position. Mr. Greenwood stated that they City has submitted three projects for the House Bill 168, where the State is allocating $250 million for water, storm, and sewer projects. The first submission was for the I-70 permanent main water line, with an estimated cost of $874,635. The second submission was for the Bellview Street storm sewer separation project, with an estimated cost of $1.7 million. The third submission was for Phase 1 and Phase 2 of updating the water distribution system, with an estimated cost of $5.2 million. Mr. Greenwood also reiterated that the City currently has a $250,000 grant for the water distribution update project. Mr. Greenwood reported that the temporary water lines are starting to be placed; ODOT approved the City to cross Reservoir Road bridge with the waterline and is still working for the Right of Way approvals. Work on the AEP substation is coming along, the City has a tentative date for a power outage around September 1st for the replacement of the East-End substation. Mr. Greenwood thanked the Councilmembers who didn’t seek reelection for their service to the City.

Councilwoman Oprisch questioned Mr. Greenwood on the estimated time it will take to reconnect the water system to the temporary waterline. Mr. Greenwood stated that the best-case scenario would be two hours, but at most one day.

Councilman Smith questioned Mr. Greenwood on the process of transferring the deed of the Fire Department. Mr. Greenwood stated that everything is completed both on the City’s end and the Fire Department’s end, the City is waiting for the lawyers to finalize it.

Councilwoman Oprisch questioned Mr. Greenwood on how long the City would have to leave the Paving Project open for bids. Mr. Greenwood stated that bids are usually left open for two weeks.

Police Chief Matt Arbenz reports that he had purchased one radar speed sign from Traffic Logix, the City should expect to receive the sign in two to three weeks. The Police Department along with the Fire Department, Ohio State Patrol, and the U.S. Army is coordinating an event October 2nd, that is centered around children helping veterans; the event is sponsored by Ohio Valley Airsoft and hosted by the Rec Center. The event will be a Nerf battle with the First Responders and a group of kids against the U.S. Army and a group of kids. There will be laser tag for the kids to small too participate on the field. The Police Department had a Drone deployment when the Sheriff’s office asked for assistance when a group of kids broke out of the Fox Run Hospital.

Finance Director Annette Williams [ABSENT] No report.

Planning & Zoning Administrator Tom Murphy reports that the City did maintain its City status, with the release of the 2020 Census; the City population is 5,096. Mr. Murphy would like to thank all citizens who completed the 2020 Census. Mr. Murphy reported that the final site plan for the Bell Store Project was approved at tonight’s Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Murphy stated that the Bell Store representatives stated that they would be investing around $7-8 million into the project. An educational flyer regarding storm water was sent out with all utility bills this month. The Storm Water Management Committee met and approved the storm water management plans for the Bell Store Project and the new AEP substation. The re-zoning project that was started in October of 2019 and was delayed by COVID has been restarted and a public hearing before the Planning Commission is scheduled for October 4th. Mr. Murphy asked the Mayor to reappoint AJ Smith to the Planning Commission as his term ends in September.

Mayor Kathryn Thalman requested AJ Smith to be reappointed to the Planning Commission, with approval of the Council.

Councilwoman Oprisch made a motion to approve the Mayor’s request to reappoint AJ Smith to the Planning Commission for a term of 6 years, the motion was seconded by Councilwoman Butler.


Basile              ABSENT                           Oprisch            YES

Bukmir            YES                                  Sabatino          ABSENT

Butler              YES                                  Smith               YES

Jordan             YES

Roll Call Vote:    Five (5) YES    Zero (0) NO    Two (2) Absent                 Motion Carried


Finance Chair Mike Smith reports that the Finance Committee met tonight before the Council meeting. Mr. Smith reports that the committee received a spreadsheet for the costs of the City employee raises that are in Ordinance No. 2021-19, but the spreadsheet did not include the contribution to Medicare or PERS; the additional amount would be $2,397. Mr. Smith stated that the pipe purchased for the temporary lines for the waterline bypass are valuable and could be reused or even sold. Lastly Mr. Smith recommends that the City has an internal control plan to protect the assets of the City.

Utilities Chair Terra Butler No report [Next meeting is Tuesday, September 7th at 6:30 P.M.]

Police Chair Beth Oprisch reports that there was a meeting August 9th, where there was a demonstration of the speed radar signs. Ms. Oprisch stated that the signs are pricey, but if they save a life, they are worth it; plus, she stated that in the long run it would be cheaper to have a sign than having an officer sitting at these locations for multiple hours. The Juvenile Justice Jeopardy training will take place tomorrow from 10:00 to 11:30 A.M. Ms. Oprisch stated that there are talks about getting cameras for the Bike Trail, and she is waiting for an updated quote from the Service Director; the last quote the City received was for $47,000 and hopes that with new technology they might be cheaper.

Streets – North Side Chair Perry Basile [ABSENT] No report.

Streets – South Side Chair Frank Sabatino [ABSENT] No report.

Safety Chair Frank Sabatino [ABSENT] No report.

Building and Grounds Chair Perry Basile [ABSENT] No report.

Planning Commission Chair Frank Sabatino [ABSENT] No report.

Fire Chair Frank Sabatino [ABSENT] No report.

Recreation Chair Linda Jordan No report [Next meeting is Thursday, August 19th at 4:30 P.M.]

Park District Chair Linda Jordan No report.

ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: Law Director Elizabeth Glick [ABSENT]

Second Reading


A motion was made by Councilwoman Oprisch that the rules requiring three separate readings be suspended on Ordinance No. 2021-24 and that the ordinance be passed on an emergency basis; seconded by Councilwoman Jordan.



Basile              ABSENT                           Oprisch              YES

Bukmir            YES                                  Sabatino            ABSENT

Butler              YES                                  Smith                 YES

Jordan             YES

Roll Call Vote:    Five (5) YES    Zero (0) NO    Two (2) Absent                 Motion Carried

Rules requiring three separate readings suspended

Vote to pass Ordinance No. 2021-24:


Basile              ABSENT                           Oprisch            YES

Bukmir            YES                                  Sabatino          ABSENT

Butler              YES                                  Smith               YES

Jordan             YES

Roll Call Vote:    Five (5) YES    Zero (0) NO    Two (2) Absent                 Motion Carried

ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council, Councilwoman Oprisch made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Councilman Smith. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.

Next meeting will be Tuesday, September 7th, 2021, at 7:30 P.M. All Councilmembers will be present at the City building for the next meeting. Members of the public are welcome to join the in-person meeting in the Council Chambers.

August 16, 2021 Council Minutes