City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

Resolution Number 2022-27






It was moved by Councilman Thomas and seconded by Councilman Thrash that the following Resolution be adopted:

WHEREAS,   the City of St. Clairsville, Ohio (“Jurisdiction”), is a Local Government in Belmont County, Ohio that has adopted and approved The OneOhio Memorandum of Understanding (“The Memorandum”), which establishes a mechanism to disburse settlement proceeds from opioid litigation (“Opioid Funds”) into Ohio’s communities to help abate the opioid crisis, including allocation of Opioid Funds to Regions through a statewide Foundation Board; and

WHEREAS, this Jurisdiction is in Region 11 under the Memorandum, which is comprised of Belmont, Carroll, Columbiana, Harrison, Holmes, Jefferson, and Tuscarawas counties; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to The Memorandum, Section D.2:  “Each Region shall create their own governance structure so it ensures all Local Governments have input and equitable representation regarding regional decisions including representation on the board and selection of projects to be funded from the region’s Regional Share.  Regions shall have the responsibility to make submissions regarding the allocation of funds to projects that will equitably serve the needs of the entire Region”; and

WHEREAS, it is found that the Region 11 governance structure outlined below ensures that all Local Governments in the Region have input and equitable representation regarding regional decisions under The Memorandum; and

WHEREAS, the formation of the Region 11 governance structure is of immediate importance to the communities in Region 11, so that imminent Settlement Proceeds committed to the State of Ohio to be distributed per The Memorandum can be disbursed to help abate the Opioid crisis.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by this Jurisdiction that:

SECTION 1:  This Jurisdiction hereby approves the Region 11 governance structure under The OneOhio Memorandum of Understanding (“The Memorandum”) as follows:

The OneOhio Region 11 governance structure will initially be comprised of a 21-member founding Board of Directors, consisting of one member from each of the following classes in each county in Region 11:

  • One member appointed by the Board of County Commissioners;
  • One member appointed by the municipality with the greatest population based on the most recent decennial census;
  • The president of the county township association or his or her designee;

and such other members as are unanimously approved by the Region 11 Board members from time-to-time.

The OneOhio Region 11 Board will determine matters consistent with The Memorandum, Section D, such as:

  1. adopting or amending Region 11 bylaws, regulations, rules and policies;
  2. selecting Region 11’s member on the OneOhio Recovery Foundation, Inc. Board (“Foundation Board”) under Section D.4. of The Memorandum;
  3. electing OneOhio Region 11 Board officers;
  4. evaluating and making submissions regarding the allocation of Regional funds throughout the Region;
  5. engaging experts, counsel, consultants and vendors as appropriate for these purposes; and
  6. taking other actions consistent with Section D.2 of The Memorandum.

This Resolution supersedes all prior Resolutions of this Jurisdiction pertaining to formation of the Region 11 governance structure.

SECTION 2:  It is found and determined that all formal actions of this legislative body relating to the adoption of this Resolution were adopted in an open meeting, and that all deliberations that resulted in such formal action, were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements.

SECTION 3:  This Resolution is hereby declared to be an emergency measure, necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, welfare, and safety.  The reason for the emergency is to ensure prompt pursuit of funds to assist in abating the opioid epidemic throughout Ohio.

SECTION 4This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by the Charter of the City of St. Clairsville, Ohio.

PASSED at a meeting of the Council of the City of St. Clairsville on this 21st day of June, 2022, by the affirmative vote of 7 members of the council.

Resolution Number 2022-27