City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

December 19th, 2016 Council Minutes


December 19, 2016

St. Clairsville City Council met in Council Chambers on Monday, December 19, 2016 with the following present:

Jim Weisgerber, Council President Terry Pugh, Mayor

Mark Bukmir, Council 3rd Ward Jim Zucal, Service Director

Linda Jordan, Council-At-Large Jeff Henry, Police Chief

Beth Oprisch, Council-At-Large Tom Murphy, Planning & Zoning Administrator

Jake Olsavsky, Council, 1st Ward Richard Myser, Law Director

Frank Sabatino, Council 2nd Ward Cindi Henry, Finance Director

Mike Smith, Council-At-Large

David Trouten, Council 4th Ward

The meeting was called to order by Council President Jim Weisgerber.


Minutes of the December 5, 2016 meeting were distributed to Council. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Linda Jordan and seconded by Mike Smith.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Smith Yes

Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved


There were no Citizens present who wished to address Council.


Service Director: Jim Zucal

The Legion Road Project is moving forward. Jeff Vaughn is the Engineer on that project.

Terry, Cindi and I have been working with the funding agency the TIF group in Columbus along with our Attorney moving that forward for the Commons Mall Crossing Project. They are actually moving dirt out there and progressing well.

The RBC project has a completion date of December 22. Hopefully that will all be done and all we will have is repair work to the property. That has been a very successful project and we worked closely with Mark Warren with CTI and having our inspector John Hanner on the job has been a plus for us.

Beth Oprisch: Is there any future development in the Commons? Jim Zucal: Not yet.

Mayor: Terry Pugh

I want to thank all those who were able to attend the Christmas/ Safety Recognition party that we had this last week. It was very well attended.

This past week has been very challenging between the ice, the snow and the temperatures. We had a couple of short power outages and a couple of water leaks. I want to commend all the City employees for giving it an extra effort to keep the roads open and to get the power and the water on as soon as possible.

Want to remind the Citizens that if there are two inches of snow on the ground they are supposed to have their vehicles moved off the streets in order for the trucks to plow.

We do have the personnel policy to hopefully deal with tonight.

Police Report for November, 2016

Calls and Complaints 229

Special Teams Call Outs 1

Accidents 18

Arrests 26

Parking Tickets Issued 42

Traffic Stops 53

Miles put on Cruisers 6,149

Gasoline Used 577 gallons

Police Chief, Jeff Henry:

That is between midnight and 6:00 a.m. for the snow removal.

Finance Director, Cindi Henry:

Ordinance No. 2016-42 is the normal end of the year when I go into accounts and shoring them up because they ran negative. I move from the general fund to the two or three funds that we subsidize from the general fund.

Planning & Zoning, Tom Murphy: No Report


Finance, David Trouten: No Report

Utilities, Frank Sabatino:

I would like to commend our crews for working out in the coldest nights of the year.

Police, Mark Bukmir: No Report

Street North Side, Jake Olsavsky: No Report

Street South Side, Linda Jordan: No Report

Safety, Beth Oprisch: No Report

Building & Grounds, Mark Bukmir: No Report

Planning Commission, Mike Smith: No Report

Fire District, Frank Sabatino

The Fire Board will meet the 20th of December at 9:00 a.m. We will have our regular meeting and our re-organization meeting. Safety is important especially this time of year.

Recreation, David Trouten:

There was a meeting earlier today. A couple of things were discussed: They are considering starting a roller hockey league and there has been some discussion about incorporating Club Gold which is actually a private volleyball organization. Lindsay is active in that organization and has been for some time. There is discussion about incorporating that into the Rec. Department. They would like to move forward with that but it is something that Council will have to discuss at some point. There is also a little bit of discussion about how the programs at the Rec. Center can be made to be friendlier to the Citizens of St. Clairsville. The Citizens of St. Clairsville who pay taxes for it don’t get a break when it comes to paying for events and programs.

Park District, Linda Jordan: No Report


Law Director, Richard Myser

Tonight we have a Resolution and an Ordinance to consider. The first one is Resolution No. 2016-41, this is a Resolution to adopt the policy manual that we have. There is a provision in here that it could be passed as an emergency. The second Ordinance is No. 2016-42 is the Ordinance that Cindi was referring to, this is an Ordinance to make interfund transfers and some reallocation of some funds. It also has emergency language and it could be passed tonight with the suspension of the rules and passage tonight. Jim Zucal: I would like to discuss personnel matters with the Union contract for the FOP under Ohio Revised Code section No. 121.22 (G) (4). Mayor Pugh: I appreciate all the work that a lot of Council pople did on this. I answered some questions and Clemans Nelson also answered questions. There is a committee and I hope they will give a report tonight. I hope this will pass tonight on an emergency basis in order that we can enact it on January 1st. I hope that all Council members will be on board with this policy and there will not be any questions or concerns by any Council Members. Frank Sabatino: The Mayor appointed a Committee some time ago. We all have had a chance to read it and I feel that we can enact this ordinance and implement it. From what I read this Resolution we have before us is a great asset to the City. I wholeheartedly ask Council to approve this ordinance and pass it on an emergency measure. We can enact this and implement it and it is a foundation we can build on it. David Trouten: Were there any changes? Mayor Pugh: Since it started there were three changes that have been made. Jim Weisgerber: The reason for the emergency is we would like to get it in effect for the first of the year. Mayor Pugh: It is written on the Ohio Revised Code, the City Charter and the Union Contracts.

There was presented and read to Council on its first reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2016-41; A RESOLUTION ADOPTING PERSONNEL POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Linda Jordan moved that the rules requiring ordinances and resolutions to be read on three separate readings be suspended and declaring an emergency; Frank Sabatino seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Smith Yes

Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved

There was presented and read on its third and final reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2016-41. A motion was made by Frank Sabatino and seconded by Jake Olsavsky that Resolution No. 2016-41 be passed by Council.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Smith Yes

Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved

Resolution No. 2016-41 was declared adopted.

There was presented and read to Council on its first reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2016-42; AN ORDINANCE TO MAKE INTERFUND TRANSFERS AND REALLOCATIONS WITHIN WITHIN THE FUNDS FOR THE NORMAL EXPENSES AND OTHER EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF ST. CLAIRSVILLE, STATE OF OHIO, FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2016 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2016, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Jake Olsavsky moved that the rules requiring ordinances and resolutions to be read on three separate readings be suspended and declaring an emergency; Frank Sabatino seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Smith Yes

Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved

There was presented and read to Council on its third and final reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2016-42. A motion was made by Frank Sabatino and seconded by Linda Jordan that Resolution No. 2016-42 be passed by Council.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Smith Yes

Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved

Resolution No. 2016-42 was declared adopted.


David Trouten: I want to put on the record that as of December 31, 2016, I will be resigning from Council. I want to thank everybody. It has been a great experience and a great honor to represent the City of St. Clairsville and to work with everyone here. I will still pay attention as a concerned citizen, and I have great faith in all of you. Jim Weisgerber: We appreciate the effort that you put forth and wish you well in your new endeavors.

Mayor’s Report:

The Mayor’s Collection for November 2016 was $3,233.45. A motion to approve the Mayor’s Report was made by Beth Oprisch and seconded by Jake Olsavsky.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Smith Yes

Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved


A motion to go into executive session per Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22 (G) (4) to review negotiations on collective bargaining sessions and contracts. A motion to go into Executive Session was made by David Trouten and seconded by Frank Sabatino.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Smith Yes

Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved

A motion to return to regular session was made by David Trouten and seconded by Linda Jordan.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Smith Yes

Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved

There was presented and read to Council on its first reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2016-43; RESOLUTION APPROVING TENTATIVE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN CITY OF ST. CLAIRSVILLE FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE, OHIO LABOR COUNCIL, INC. Linda Jordan moved that the rules requiring ordinances and resolutions to be read on three separate readings be suspended and declaring an emergency; Jake Olsavsky seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Smith Yes

Trouten Yes

Roll Call Vote: Six (6) Yes One (1) No Motion Approved

There was presented and read to Council on its third and final reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2016-43. A motion was made by Linda Jordan and seconded by Mike Smith that Resolution No. 2016-43 be passed by Council.

Roll Call Vote

Bukmir Yes Olsavsky Yes

Jordan Yes Sabatino Yes

Oprisch Yes Smith Yes

Trouten No

Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes One (1) No Motion Approved

Resolution No. 2016-43 was declared adopted.

The next regular Council Meeting will be Tuesday, January 3, 2017, at 7:30 in the Council Chamber.

There being no other business to come before Council a motion to adjourn was made by Jake Olsavsky and seconded by Linda Jordan.

December 19th, 2016 Council Minutes