City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

Ordinance Number 2017-35




WHEREAS, certain provisions within the Codified Ordinances should be amended to conform with current State law as required by the Ohio Constitution; and

WHEREAS, various ordinances of a general and permanent nature have been passed by Council which should be included in the Codified Ordinances; and

WHEREAS, the City has heretofore entered into a contract with the Walter H. Drane Company to prepare and publish such revision, which is presently before Council;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City Of St. Clairsville, Ohio:

SECTION I: That the ordinances of the City of St. Clairsville, Ohio, of a general and permanent nature, as revised, recodified, rearranged and consolidated into component codes, titles, chapters and sections within the 2017 reprinting of the Codified Ordinances are hereby approved and adopted.

SECTION II: That the following sections and chapters are hereby added, amended or repealed as respectively indicated in order to comply with current State law:

Traffic Code

301.04 Bicycle; Motorized Bicycle; Moped. (Amended)

301.19 Motorcycle. (Amended)

303.081 Impounding Vehicles on Private Residential Property. (Amended)

303.082 Tow Away Zones. (Amended)

313.09 Driver’s Duties Upon Approaching Ambiguous Traffic Signal. (Amended)

331.03 Overtaking, Passing to Left; Driver’s Duties. (Amended)

331.21 Right of Way of Public Safety or Coroner’s Vehicle. (Amended)

331.211 Report of Vehicle Failing to Yield Right of Way to Public Safety Vehicle.


333.01 Driving Under the Influence. (Amended)

335.021 Ohio Driver’s License Required for In State Residents. (Added)

335.09 Display of License Plates. (Amended)

335.111 Registration Within Thirty Days of Residency. (Added)\

335.12 Stopping After Accident Upon Streets. (Amended)

335.13 Stopping After Accident Upon Property Other Than Street. (Amended)

373.02 Riding Upon Seats; Handlebars; Helmets and Glasses. (Amended)

General Offenses Code

501.01 General Definitions. (Amended)

501.06 Limitation of Criminal Prosecution. (Amended)

505.071 Cruelty to Companion Animals. (Amended)

525.05 Failure to Report a Crime, Injury or Knowledge of Death. (Amended)

525.15 Assaulting Police Dog or Horse or an Assistance Dog. (Amended)

529.01 Liquor Control Definitions. (Amended)

529.07 Open Container Prohibited. (Amended)

537.051 Menacing by Stalking. (Amended)

537.10 Telecommunications Harassment. (Amended)

537.17 Criminal Child Enticement. (Amended)

537.18 Contributing to Child Delinquency. (Amended)

541.02 Arson. (Amended)

541.04 Criminal Mischief. (Amended)

541.09 Vehicular Vandalism. (Amended)

549.01 Weapons Definitions. (Amended)

549.02 Carrying Concealed Weapons. (Amended)

549.04 Improperly Handling a Firearm in a Motor Vehicle. (Amended)

Fire Prevention Code

1519.04 Fireworks Possession, Sale or Discharge Prohibited. (Amended)

SECTION III: That the complete text of the sections listed above are set forth in full in the 2017 Codified Ordinances. Any summary publication of this ordinance shall include a complete listing of these sections. Notice of adoption of each new section by reference to its title shall constitute sufficient publication of new matter contained therein.

SECTION IV: That this Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, welfare and safety and for the further reason that there exists an imperative necessity for the earliest publication and distribution of the 2017 Codified Ordinances to the officials and residents of the Municipality, so as to facilitate administration, daily operation and avoid practical and legal entanglements. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by the Charter of the City of St. Clairsville, Ohio.

PASSED this 7th day of August, 2017.

View Ordinance Number 2017-35