City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

May 7, 2018 Council Minutes


May 7, 2018


St. Clairsville City Council met in Council Chambers on Monday, May 7, 2018 with the following present:

Perry Basile, Council 1st Ward                        Terry Pugh, Mayor

Mark Bukmir, Council 3rd Ward                     Jim Zucal, Service Director

Linda Jordan, Council-At-Large                    Cindi Henry, Finance Director

Beth Oprisch, Council-At-Large                    Richard Myser, Law Director

Frank Sabatino, Council, 2nd Ward                 Tom Murphy, Planning & Zoning Administrator

Mike Smith, Council-At-Large                       Jeff Henry, Police Chief

Jim Velas, Council, 4th Ward                          Don Smithberger, Superintendent of Services


The meeting was called to order by President Pro-Tem, Frank Sabatino


MINUTES:  Minutes of the April 16. 2018 meetings were distributed to Council.   A motion was made by Mike Smith and second by Linda Jordan to approve the minutes of the April 16, 2018 meeting.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                              Oprisch                       Yes

Bukmir                       Yes                              Sabatino                     Yes

Jordan                        Yes                              Smith                          Abstain

                                                                        Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Six (6) Yes                  One (1) Abstain         Motion Approved:


CITIZENS HEARING:  There were no Citizens present who wished to address Council



You do have a Resolution for an ODNR grant application.  I have had a Geotechnical Engineer look at the tunnel on the trail and some of the surrounding rock and soil issues.  We are of the opinion that there is going to be some apparent slipping and rock problems in the near future.  We are trying to get ahead of the game.  We are going to try to address that and try to acquire as many grants as we can.  The first grant that we can go after this year is a Nature Works Grant.  That deadline is June 1st.  I wish I could have had it to Council sooner but I didn’t get all of this back until last week.  We don’t have to do anything this evening but I certainly hope that at the next meeting in May it could be passed so that I can apply for that grant.


Also I have some legislation in place that the Law Director has prepared for the salt purchase this year.  We did use a lot of salt last year.  The Mayor and I have talked to Don Smithberger and basically we went through everything that we had.  We are looking at up to 90% of 600 tons.  That is through the State co-operative purchasing ODOT contract.  I wish Council will support that.


May 7th was the first day we brought on board Darin Pytlak as the new Street Superintendent.  Darren brings a lot of good attitude a lot of knowledge and a good education.  He is young, energetic and makes a nice presentation.  He is a good representative of the City.  He is going to be trained with Don Smithberger and working with the Mayor and I and Donnie and all the department heads with the team in the City I think he is going to be a wonderful addition to our team approach.


I also put before you a City of St. Clairsville street paving list that was advertised for bid.  That is a preliminary package that we put together with square yardage of asphalt and length & width.  Of course we won’t know until we see the bids when they are opened on May 20th how much we can do.  Then we will know what our paving project looks like.  I will keep Council informed, there may be some changes.


I also put some information in front of you.  It is basically with our ongoing discussion about landlords.  It is some Ohio Revised Code on Landlord registration.  Keep in mind I am aware that is with the County Auditor for Counties that have a population of 200,000 but I think there is some good language in there.  I also looked at Montgomery County which registers their landlords.  There is a landlord registration form from the City of Akron and last but not least there is some information that the City of Wheeling is considering and I put the article on that in here also.  I just hope that you will look at it and we can have some ongoing talks about it.    Beth Oprisch:  Do we know how many rental properties there are in St. Clairsville?  Jim Zucal:  Anita in the Utility Office has approximately what we have but I want to get a good grasp on that so I can’t exactly tell you what the number is.  We want to get a grasp on single family, duplexes, triplexes, and what all we have.  I can check on that for you for the next meeting.  Beth Oprisch:  The salt thing, is that the only place to buy salt?  Jim Zucal:  It is the best price to buy salt because there were some issues a few years back when the salt mines were gauging the municipalities and the State.  The State went into a State Cooperative purchasing agreement and worked with Counties and Municipalities.  The answer is it is the cheapest



I have the pleasure of presenting to Don Smithberger and the Electric Department two awards.  Don was at the APPA Conference.  We received two prestigious awards. The first one being for reliable power.  There are 2,400 municipalities that belong to this association and there was 114 of these awards give out.  The second one is another safety award and from a human standpoint this an even more important award.  The Electric Department has received a number of Safety Awards and they practice safety day in and day out.  Don and his Department are to be congratulated.  Frank Sabatino:  Thank you Don and your crew.  Don Smithberger:  We appreciate all the support from the City, the Council and all the city workers as well because we all believe it is a team effort.


I have some reappointments I need to make.  Mike Kasper and Doug Longanette have served on the R.I.T.A. Board.  Their terms are up and I would like to reappoint them.  The second one is the Civil Service Commission and Mike Kasper’s term is up and he is willing to serve again.  Both of these Boards require some background and experience and these two individuals have done an outstanding job on both.  We have a third R.I.T.A. Board member who is here tonight Jason Garczyk.  Beth Oprisch made a motion to reappoint Mike Kasper and Doug Longanette to the R.I.T.A. Board, Linda Jordan seconded the motion.



Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                                          Sabatino                      No

Bukmir                        Yes                                          Smith                           Yes

Jordan                         Yes                                          Velas                           Yes

Oprisch                        Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Six (6) Yes                  One (1) No                  Motion Approved


A motion was made by Beth Oprisch and seconded by Jim Velas to reappoint Mike Kasper to the Civil Service Commission.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                                          Sabatino                      No

Bukmir                        Yes                                          Smith                           Yes

Jordan                         Yes                                          Velas                           Yes

Oprisch                        Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Six (6) Yes                  One (1) No                  Motion Approved


Police Report for April 2018

Calls and Complaints                          305

Special Teams Call Outs                       0

Accidents                                              17

Parking Tickets Issued                          86

Traffic Stops                                         84

Miles put on Cruisers                          6,333

Gasoline Used                                     577.2 gallons


As of May 1st we have a new web site up and running.  Roberta Mertz has worked extremely hard on it.  I asked for a commitment for it be up on May 1st and it was.  I think there are a few glitches that have to be worked out yet but they are working on it.  Take a look at it and see what you think of it.


The other great news that happened last week and Richard Myser and Council are to be thanked for this.  We finally did get the signed sealed annexation for the Commons Road.  We appreciate everyone’s hard work on that.


We have had a number of complaints from people on the Bike Trail about dogs being off their leash and individuals not picking up after their dog.


We have our Spring Auction in the building across from the Recreation Center on Thursday, May 10th at 5:00 p.m.


I want to mention again that on May 14th they are going to start flushing the hydrants.  There will be signs posted.  Also on May 14th there will be the 1st Wards day of yard waste pick up.  It will go on all week by Ward.


We have an old railroad depot that is a real safety hazard.  The slate is falling off the roof, the chimney is half gone and the bricks are laying up on the roof.  Some of the crew went down in a bucket truck and removed the slate and the loose bricks.  If that slate falls off the roof and hits a person or a kid especially. To me that old building is just a safety hazard.  From my standpoint the safety out warrants us trying to save this old building. We are going to meet with Dave Mertz tomorrow.   We are going to talk to him to see if Belmont College Building/Restoration Department would be interested in taking it down and moving it some other place.  Take a ride down and take a look at the building.  Beth Oprisch:  Is there a Historical Society or someone that we should talk to?  Mayor Pugh:  That is why we are going through Dave Mertz.  Frank Sabatino:  The metal building next to the Depot is it in use?  Mayor Pugh:  It is in use as far as storage. Jim Zucal had an individual come in who is going to work up a couple of proposals for us.  Jim Zucal:  This type of building is from the 70’s.  Terry met with Kline Restoration last week.  The roof is in good shape, the sheet metal has been neglected, and it really needs new spouting.  We are looking at either painting the building or possibly taking off the bottom four feet and putting on new metal and painting both, we would like to stick with our red and gray.  Structurally it is very sound and to answer your question yes it is used, we store equipment in it and it is a pretty good building.  We want to fix it up too, we just finished the one on St. Clair and I encourage Council to look at that, it turned out very nice.


We are having our Safety Picnic on May 24th from 11:00 to 1:00 at the City Garage on Reservoir Road.  Everyone is welcome.



The new cruiser was delivered to us today. I left it out front so Council can look at it.





As everyone knows this is a permit time of year.

The census will take place in 2020, I am our City representative.  The Census has sent us a list of the addresses that they have for St. Clairsville.  I will review and compare them with the addresses that we have.  Overwhelmingly everything is pretty consistent but there are some new structures or things that they may have missed.  So what I do I look at their map and see if it is consistent with ours.  If addressees need to be added I do that.  I refer that information to them.  If they for some reason do not like what we add there is a chance that we could appeal.


There is a Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting this Wednesday, May 9th at 6:00 p.m.  Someone wants to establish a small farmer’s market in the lot behind Prime Time Video at 166 E. Main Street.  If anybody has any questions feel free to ask me.  You are welcome to attend that meeting



Finance, Mike Smith:  No Report

Utilities, Frank Sabatino:

The Utility Committee met tonight.  We had a lengthy discussion with a concerned citizen about an issue that the gentleman had.  I think we came out with a resolution.

As the Mayor mentioned we have hydrant flushing next week.  Mr. Zucal updated us on Fire Hydrants in the city.  Congratulations to Don Smithberger and the Electric Crew for another safety award.

Pool meters are available at the Utility Office.

Police, Mark Bukmir: As Jeff mentioned the cruiser is parked right outside the front door, take a look at it.  Also Patrolman Andy Klotz started his full time patrol this evening.

Street North Side, Jim Velas: No Report

Street South Side, Beth Oprisch:  No Report

Safety, Beth Oprisch:  No Report

Building and Grounds, Perry Basile:  No Report

Planning Commission, Mike Smith:  No Report

Fire District, Frank Sabatino:

Our next regular meeting is Wednesday, May 30th at 3:00 p.m. at the Main Station.

Recreation, Linda Jordan:

The Board is appreciative of the donations that they received from the Amazing Raise.

Park District, Linda Jordan:

Pool passes are available at Riesbeck’s and Kirke’s Ice Cream.  The next meeting is next Monday at 4:30 p.m.  The pool will open Memorial Day Weekend.



Law Director, Richard Myser

Tonight we have three pieces of legislation to be read for the first time tonight. The first one is Resolution No. 2018-09, this is the Resolution authorizing participation in the ODOT winter contract for road salt.  It is for 600 tons.  We will read that tonight for the first time. And Mr. Zucal would lit it passed tonight.  Beth Oprisch:  What is the emergency?  Jim Zucal:  ODOT did not get the paperwork to me until last week and they want it back by May 18th.  It is important because it saves us a lot of money.


The second piece of legislation we have is 2018-10 is to submit an application to the Natureworks program for public recreation. This resolution has emergency language also but it could be read for a second time.


The third piece of legislation is 2018-11 is legislation to reinstate the Local Government Fund back to the 2005 funding levels.  Mayor Pugh:  This legislation was recommended by the Belmont County Mayor’s Association.  Every City and Village in Belmont County is in support of putting our local funds back to where they were.


There was presented and read to Council on its first reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-09:  A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE ODOT WINTER CONTRACT (018-17) FOR ROAD SALT AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.  Linda Jordan moved that the rules requiring ordinances and resolutions to be read on three separate readings be suspended and declaring an emergency:  Mark Bukmir seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                             

Bukmir                       Yes                              Sabatino                     Yes

Jordan                        Yes                              Smith                          Yes                 

Oprisch                       Yes                              Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Seven (7) Yes             Zero (0) No                 Motion Approved


There was presented and read to Council on its third and final reading by title only; RESOLUTION NO. 2018-09. a motion was made by Jim Velas and seconded by Perry Basile that Resolution No. 2018-09 be passed by Council.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                             

Bukmir                       Yes                              Sabatino                     Yes

Jordan                        Yes                              Smith                          Yes                 

Oprisch                       Yes                              Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Seven (7) Yes             Zero (0) No                 Motion Approved

Resolution No. 2018-09 was declared adopted.


There was presented and read to Council on its first reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-10; A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF ST. CLAIRSVILLE TO PREPARE AND SUBMIT AN APPLICATION TO THE NATUREWORKS PROGRAM FOR PUBLIC RECREATION AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.  Jim Velas moved that the rules requiring ordinances and resolutions to be read on three separate readings be suspended and declaring an emergency; Mark Bukmir seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                             

Bukmir                       Yes                              Sabatino                     Yes

Jordan                        Yes                              Smith                          Yes                 

Oprisch                       No                               Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Six (6) Yes                  One (1) No                  Motion Approved


There was presented and read to Council on its third and final reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-10.  A motion was made by Linda Jordan and seconded by Jim Velas that Resolution No. 2018-10 be passed by Council.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                             

Bukmir                       Yes                              Sabatino                     Yes

Jordan                        Yes                              Smith                          Yes                 

Oprisch                       Yes                              Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Seven (7) Yes             Zero (0) No                 Motion Approved

Resolution No. 2018-10 was declared adopted.


There was presented and read to Council on its first reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-11; A RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT LEGISLATION TO REINSTATE THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUND BACK TO THE 2005 FUNDING LEVELS AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.  Linda Jordan moved that the rules requiring ordinances and resolutions to be read on three separate readings be suspended and declaring an emergency; Jim Velas seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                             

Bukmir                       Yes                              Sabatino                     Yes

Jordan                        Yes                              Smith                          Yes                 

Oprisch                       Yes                              Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Seven (7) Yes             Zero (0) No                 Motion Approved


There was presented and read to Council on its third and final reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-11.  A motion was made by Jim Velas and seconded by Mark Bukmir that Resolution No. 2018-11 be passed by Council.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                             

Bukmir                       Yes                              Sabatino                     Yes

Jordan                        Yes                              Smith                          Yes                 

Oprisch                       Yes                              Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Seven (7) Yes             Zero (0) No                 Motion Approved

Resolution No. 2018-11 was declared adopted.


NEXT MEETING:  Monday, May 21, 2018, at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers

There being no further business to come before Council, a motion to adjourn was made by Mike Smith and seconded by Linda Jordan.

May 7, 2018 Council Minutes