City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

June 4, 2018 Council Minutes


June 4, 2018

St. Clairsville City Council met in Council Chambers on Monday, June 4, 2018 with the following present:

Tim Porter, Council President

Perry Basile, Council 1st Ward                          Terry Pugh, Mayor

Mark Bukmir, Council 3rd Ward                       Jim Zucal, Service Director

Linda Jordan, Council-At-Large                       Cindi Henry, Finance Director

Beth Oprisch, Council-At-Large                       Richard Myser, Law Director

Frank Sabatino, Council, 2nd Ward                  Tom Murphy, Planning & Zoning Administrator

Mike Smith, Council-At-Large                          Jeff Henry, Police Chief

Jim Velas, Council, 4th Ward                            Don Smithberger, Superintendent of Services

The meeting was called to order by President, Tim Porter

MINUTES:  Minutes of the May 21, 2018 meeting were distributed to Council.   A motion was made by Jim Velas and second by Perry Basile to approve the minutes of the May 21, 2018 meeting.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                              Oprisch                       Yes

Bukmir                        Yes                              Sabatino                      Yes

Jordan             Yes                              Smith                           Yes

                                                                        Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Seven (7) Yes             Zero (0) No                 Motion Approved:



Fred Holmes, Volunteer Energy:  I would like to introduce Larry Taylor.  As you know I retired in 2015 but I promised you I would not abandon my communities and I have not done that.  Larry is going to be working with aggregation but I still may be coming out to deliver checks.  I don’t have a check for you tonight and I wasn’t here last time but I was called out with the Red Cross.  If that happens again Larry will deliver the check.  I want to advise you that your gas aggregation agreement expires on October 30, 2018.  Volunteer Energy will work on the renewal.  I have the packet available I am going to leave it with Kathy and she and I will work on it.  We have to have it to the Public Utility Commission by September 30th.  Your certificate expires every two years.  Once a year we go out and we get new people who move into the community and people who have dropped off a chance to rejoin.  February of every year the P.U.C.O. goes out for bid for options on wholesale price.  This year the wholesale price came in 15% lower than the previous year.  That will allow us to continue the community reinvestments that we give you every year and your residents will see about an 18% reduction in natural gas prices. That is good for a year and we will see how the rate is in February.  Just to explain to the new people on Council, several years ago we put gas aggregation on the ballot and the voters approved it and the City went with Volunteer Energy.  We have always had a variable price and because you have variable price your residents are enjoying a much reduced price.  If you had gone with a fixed price this community would have been burned badly.  Council should be commended.  It is going to be a good year for natural gas.  I hope it is real cold because the prices are low.

Ron Lepic, 98 Beckett Court:  I didn’t come here to yell and scream or anything but I did want everybody to know that I have a water situation on Beckett Court.  The plight really began about four years ago and it has been partially reminded but it still needs something addressed.  What happened is the water from Westminster Drive comes from both directions and I am at the low point.  The water also comes around the corner, my house faces Beckett Court so the water comes down Beckett and it also merges at my yard and it has been overflowing.  I got flooded four years ago and gas cans got overturned, my lawnmowers got flooded and my rotor tiller was under water.  I got three feet of water in my shed.  I got through all of that but there was gas all over everywhere.  I had to dig up my whole garden because the gas contaminated everything.  They call that a 100 year rain/flood but it has happened three years in a row, not so bad the flooding but it washes out my mulch.  I put a French drain in to catch the water coming into the yard, it just washed the gravel out.  My question and my plight tonight is to just ask city council that everyone be aware of the problem because I talked to Jim and I guess it is coming up for discussion.  I would really appreciate any help I can get from all of Council so they can know what I have been facing for the last four years.  Jim Zucal.  I want to thank Ron on his patience.  I have worked with him, Don Smithberger & I have been out, the Mayor has been involved and we have also assigned Jeff Vaughn a local Engineer to look at it.  We are not going to take it lightly and we are going to fix the problem.  Ron Lepic:  Thank you all very much.


Bill Jeffers, 199 Young Lane:  Good evening everyone.  I have been trying to get Police reports for 353 days.  I have left messages on Jeff Henry’s voice mail but I have never talked to him.  He will not give me the pictures.  It does not take 353 days from April 8th of last year.  Can I talk to you about the weeds that are in the side of my yard, you don’t cut them.  I talked to Jim Smerfburger or whatever his name is, your temporary super or what is he?  Jim Zucal:  Don Smithberger?  Bill Jeffers:   I talked to him about it, he stopped down because on Neff Street which is 50 feet away the corner is washed out.   You said you were coming down to look.  All that red dog, I have to run over it to get out of my driveway.  Nobody comes and cleans it up.  I cleaned that street for 25 years it will be 30 this year so I quit doing it.  It is not my job to take care of your problem.  You have a catch basin on Neff Street which you guys are bragging that you put in which is plugged up because it is washing down all the berm to the right side when you are heading west bound coming down the hill off of Young Lane.  It is about a foot deep right now, I saw a car run off the road the other day and Bam, that is an awful sound.  It was an old guy.  It is a good thing he wasn’t going the regular speed of 40 or 50 if that is what Ashburn that Halloween Project is that endangers my life.  I get in my car and go up to get the mail because it is so dangerous.  I would like to have a copy of how many tickets have been issued on that road because I see at least 50 people speeding while I am sitting on my porch.  You can make fun of me like you did that one day Mr. Pugh about reading my bible and stuff so that is fine.  Tim Porter:  Just stick to the subject.   Bill Jeffers:  I want to know when are you going to take care of these issues and all the water that is coming down through.  Jim Zucal:  Donnie, do we know what is going on?  Bill Jeffers:  The Clerk said none of that water is from the City.  Kathy Kaluger:  What you have always said is all that water is coming from the fairgrounds.  Bill Jeffers:  No you have hidden pipe and I would like to know how that works under the one cistern that is underneath the building on the fairgrounds.  Is that mechanical of is that done by camera then you hit a button that opens that flapper then water starts coming out of there.  Tim Porter:  Donnie do you have any input at all?  Don Smithberger:  There are drains that come off the fairgrounds and the football field.  Bill Jeffers:  There is something underneath that building because I can hear it like being in a cave with water dripping.  I have been up there listening to it.  That was a long time ago because Mr. Henry says there is still a no trespassing, that I was never on there trespassing in the first place.  That was probably 4 or 5 years ago.  They were doing construction and they said I came on their property.  The guy came and sat on my steps and ate his lunch and we were talking.  Of course they falsely accused me, that was Bunky Loy’s group.  Tim Porter:  What was the first issue, the weeds?  Bill Jeffers:  the weeds are never cut.  Brian Kralovic would have the prisoners come down and rake it all up and did a very nice job so I didn’t have to clean up.  It is four feet high right now.  Tim Porter:  Is that where the guardrail is?  Terry Pugh:  The guardrail that we put in because Mr. Jeffers wanted it.  Bill Jeffers:  No I didn’t you are lying.  Terry Pugh:  Alright Bill.  Tim Porter:  That is enough.  When we put that guardrail in do we own any of that culvert?  Terry Pugh:  That is all ours.  Mr. Jeffers knows where his property line is.  Bill Jeffers:  Now I do, I want a fence, I will get my permit tomorrow.  How much does that cost Mr.?  Tom Murphy:  You can’t get a permit in just one day, you have to bring in a drawing and it depends on how high it is going to be.  Bill Jeffers:  I will be in tomorrow.  It is just a little fence running across my property line.  Tim Porter:  That is your points now have you made them all?  Bill Jeffers:  I am tired of all the black mold right by my door when you go in it is on my siding and on my poles, where is this coming from the excess water and the high weeds, this is a bad year for ticks.  Tim Porter:  I am sure our people will get to that as soon as possible, we have had mowers broke down.  Bill Jeffers:   I can see why because that guy was running over people’s signs that they never took down he would mow right over them.  I have seen him hit logs and rocks, I have heard him hit pipes.  I would sit on my porch and say that is not going to last very long.  Don Smithberger:  We can’t mow the guardrail because there are rocks there.  Bill Jeffers:  There are more rocks that you guys installed than me.  As far as you I would do a sworn affidavit, I never asked for that guardrail.  Tim Porter:  Mr. Jeffers you are getting out of control.  Bill Jeffers:  Well don’t call me a liar.  Tim Porter:  No one called you a lire.  Bill Jeffers:  Mr. Pugh did, I did not ask for that guardrail.  The facts are you are lying, that is why we will have a new Mayor.   Tim Porter:  We will get with our city crews and we will get someone down there to take care of the weeds.  Bill Jeffers:  It is bad when you get treated like a third rate Citizen.  I don’ know who your boss is, who is your boss?  Terry Pugh:  I guess all the citizens.  Bill Jeffers:  You got that one right. You missed the last question I asked you.  Tim Porter:  Alright Mr. Jeffers thanks for being here.  Bill Jeffers:  How long does it take for this permit, how many years?  I don’t really need one I can put up a fence under 48”. Tim Porter:  Mr. Jeffers that is for you to discuss that with Mr. Murphy.  Tom Murphy:  I will answer one thing if the fence in under three feet high in your front yard a permit is not required.  You still have to follow the code and you have to make sure that you put it on your property, you can’t put it on city right-of-way.



I am here to ask my friends on Council, I have a packet before you on the bid summary on the paving.  I am very excited about the paving.  You will notice we have three bids in here this year.  It is very interesting in all my years of service I have never seen bids that were so close.  The one from NLS paving which is National Lime Stone and previously was Lash Paving and Shelly & Sands was only $2.50 difference on a quarter of a million project.  Cast and Baker is under a thousand so as a reminder Cast and Baker was the contractor last year and they did a very nice job.  This year the low bidder is Shelley & Sands.  I did meet with Mr. Myser and it is our recommendation that we use the lowest bidder on the project which is Shelley & Sands.  They are well known in the State of Ohio and do awesome work.  What I am asking for from Council is we had an Ordinance previously that allowed me to advertise and accept and award a bid not to exceed $200,000.  The bid did come in at $249,139.50.  What I can attribute that to and why I think the bids were so close is the streets that we have in place and the group of Tom, Donnie, Mayor Pugh and we put this together and did our own work and attached maps and aerial photos, did the length and width and the square yardage.  It made it very easy for them to look at the tonnage and square yardage and fill in a bid.  The price of asphalt went up considerably, close to $10 a square yard.  I can also tell Council that last year we did a little over 10,000 sq. yards.  This year we want to do 27,000 sq. yards.  So the change that took place was because we have more alleys and the price of asphalt and the overall cost was more than I expected.  I talked to the Mayor, talked to Cindi.  We do have the funds, we are receiving license plate tax but our other money funds for asphalt are fine so we do have the money so it is not going to burden the City so I am asking Council to please help us with this.  I would like to get it done right away and actually talk to the contractor tomorrow.  So my recommendation is Shelley & Sands at the price listed and if Council will help to raise the authorization to up to $250,000 which is Ordinance No. 2018-12 which Mr. Myser prepared.  Mike Smith:  Is there anything about the quality of work in any of these?  Jim Zucal:  That is a good question.  Of course we had Cast & Baker last year.  MLS is kind of a moot point.  Shelley & Sands, the gentleman that comes in is the local rep. their local office is in Rayland.  I can assure you that Shelley & Sands is probably the largest contractor that works for the Ohio Department of Transportation.  There is no question of Shelly & Sands capability.  They meet all ODOT specs.  They have a local office, they are just an incredible company.  Sam did give me a list of recent projects but they are huge.  I am glad to have them here locally and glad that they will do our work.  Mike Smith:  It says Norwalk, OH.  Jim Zucal:  Shelly & Sands is out of Rayland.  Boca Construction is out of Norwalk.  They have the large grinding machine, we do milling on all our projects now.  Terry Pugh:  Shelly & Sands is who bought out Tri-State Asphalt and that was their office.  Jim Zucal:  Tom has a good point, they are already pre-qualified with ODOT.  Beth Oprisch:  Is Lash not pre-qualified?  Jim Zucal:  I can’t answer that but Shelly & Sands is so big.  Frank Sabatino:  If we do this as an emergency tonight, how soon will they be able to start?  Jim Zucal:  Thank you Frank, if Council approves this tonight we are going to sign the contract tomorrow.  They said they would like to start right away.  We also put in the contract that we would like to wrap up well before the start of school but when I talked to Sam he said we will start in June and we will be done by mid July.  That is the plan, the sooner the better.  They have all the equipment locally, they are doing several ODOT jobs.  We had a pre bid meeting and they were all there for that and for the bid opening.  There was much more than what I gave to Council in the bid packet.  There was a whole list of qualifications, necessary insurance, proof of insurance, references, time frames, all of the was in there.  It was all apples to apples and they all bid on the same thing.  Perry Basile:  I am not saying anything good or bad about Shelly & Sands, I am just saying Lash Paving is in our City.  Jim Zucal:  I don’t think they are in the city, I think they have a St. Clairsville address.  That is National Limestone formally Lash Paving they are in Martins Ferry.  Terry Pugh:  I think the Company is actually out of Kentucky. Jim Zucal:  A lot of times the address they use on their bid packet is their field rep.


The other item I want to talk to you about is the water tank.  Thank you Robert that was a nice article in the newspaper over the weekend and the water tank project is coming together nicely.  We have secured through grants and loans about one million dollars and the engineers estimate is about 1.7 million. You will see before you there is another piece of legislation.  We cannot go out to bid before July 1st.  When we go out to bid, if we need extra money I am hoping the bid will come in low enough that we can cover it.  It could be around 1.2 or 1.3 million but if it does go higher Cindi, the Mayor and I have talked.  We have worked with the engineering firm and we are prepared to go to the Ohio EPA for another loan to cover the balance.  That will be taken into consideration after the project is bid.  After the project is bid the old tank behind the City Building will come down, the Mayor and I are working on that and hope to find a contractor that will do that for scrap.  Therefore that is why the legislation is here, we have to meet that deadline and be prepared if the money from the EPA does come in.  It allows us to apply for some revolving loan funds.



Donnie informed me today that we finally got the last of the trees that were laying down by the biketrail cleaned up.  That was quite a slip we had down there.  I don’t know how many truck loads we took off of there but I want to commend all the City workers who worked so diligently to get the biketrail opened.  Let’s hope that we don’t get 4 inches of rain in 4 hours for a long time.


Our flowers are planted.  A lot of people really stepped forward to help.  I definitely want to commend Elsie Parish who has been with the City for quite a while and will be retiring June 11th.  She will be missed.  She has taken to heart the biketrail, cleaning in different locations in the City and she is really going to be missed.  Another new employee is McKenzie Koehler who works in the Electric Department.  He worked several summers with Brian Kralovic and actually was involved in the planting of flowers.  I made him coach and I made Mary Mowrer a Master Gardner assistant coach.  The Master Gardner’s stepped forward and they come from all walks of life.  They had several new Master Gardner’s there this year and everyone from Jim Kacsmar a past Accountant and Pam Jones and Karen Martinek past teachers, Pam also being a member of the School Board.  They worked pretty much day after day to get the job done.  Our Electric and Street Department workers hung the baskets. The baskets were actually planted and hung in one day.  I want to thank everyone.  I understand we may have lost two baskets today.  Don Smithberger:  Yes we did, a truck took out a pole.  Josh Robertson who did the watering last year is doing it again this year.  It seems like the flowers are growing like they should but for next year I am passing this all over to Darin Pytlak our new Street Superintendent.  It is going to be well worth it to see the beautiful flowers in the city.



Officer Terry (T.J.) Weyand assisted in saving a lady on North Market St.  She approached me today and she wants to come to the Council Meeting and have Patrolman Weyand here.  She wants to thank him publicly at the Council Meeting.



We have been notified by the County Auditor that our .95 mill levy is up.  We can run it in the upcoming election.  There is a discrepancy between the Board of Elections and the County Auditor as to which one we are to put on and I have determined this is the correct one.  That being the case # 2018-14 is where we have to notify the County Auditor of our intent to run this as a renewal not a replacement and the County Auditor has been burdened with giving us what is the actual  that he thinks we are going to collect dollar wise.  That one is an emergency because when the other one is passes I have to take the information that the Auditor supplies me and attach it to the second Resolution # 2018-15 and have that all delivered to the Election Board before August 8th.


The second thing is the 2019 budget.  Our next meeting I believe is July 2nd and I will be holding the budget hearing one ½ hour before the regular Council Meeting.  When I get it done I will have it for you to review.



Believe it or not we are having great success on getting grass taken care of.  There are a couple of properties that are in estates or in foreclosure.  They are never easy to deal with.  I think the weather stayed cold for so long and then all of a sudden things changed and now we are getting quite a few complaints.  We have taken care of the overwhelming majority.  We are still working on some that are out there but thinks to Terry and Richard we are working on them.


Permits are pretty hectic now which is a good thing.  I want to bring to your attention, I think most people are familiar with Studio-East, they were before the Architectural Review Board today.  The person who runs Studio –East is retiring and the workers are taking over. It will be known as Envy Salon & Spa.  It is nice that the business is staying in the community.  It has been a pretty successful business.


St. Clair Commons, Jim, Terry and Myself have been working with Rob Stein and Charity on that and the City actually went out this morning and trimmed along Commons Mall Crossing just to clean things up a bit.  We met with Comcast last week, they put some new fiber in there and there were quite a few rocks in there especially on the right hand side and along Dorothy Place.  We met with their contacts to try to get that cleaned up a bit.  We talked to Rob Stein last week about the same thing.  We’re moving along and the big pictures will all get taken care of.



Finance, Mike Smith:  No Report


Utilities, Frank Sabatino:

The Utility Committee met prior to Council.  Jim talked about the water tank.  Don Smithberger:  I would like to ask the press to remind people to not put yard sale or any other postings on our poles.  That is a danger to our employees.

Frank:  We talked about a lot of issues.  We are doing some work with the Park.  Cindi was there to give us some information on utility related finances.  We have a new employee in the Utility Office.  She is working out quite well.  Donnie will be advertising for a new employee in the Electric Department.


Police, Mark Bukmir: We will have a short meeting with Chief Henry after the Council meeting.

Street North Side, Jim Velas: It will be good to get the paving done as soon as possible.  St. David alley is getting paved.  Beth Oprisch:  The list that you gave us, is that the order in which they will be done?  Jim Zucal:  No we leave that up to the contractor, we will work with them closely.  We do things a little differently, we are putting on risers on all of our valve boxes, all of our covers.  We are milling and profiling all the streets to get proper drainage…  Donnie and I look at them closely.  The contractor a lot of times will give us recommendations on where they move their equipment.  We are hoping to get it done in four weeks.


Street South Side, Beth Oprisch:  No Report

Safety, Beth Oprisch:  No Report

Building and Grounds, Perry Basile: No Report

Planning Commission, Mike Smith:  No Report


Fire District, Frank Sabatino:

The Fire Board met last Wednesday and one of the main topics was that we commend our Police Officer for his quick action and saving Mrs. Griffiths life.  Jeff Henry:  Scott Folmar came along and called 911 and Officer Weyand responded to the call.  That is how it works.  Frank Sabatino:  We received an update last Wednesday on the situation that wasn’t such a good ending, the drowning out at the lake.  Our guys were out there relentlessly looking for closure for the family.  The Board made a donation to the Barton Fire Department, they let us use their ambulance while ours was down. .  We gave the Fire Chief permission to have training on June 24th that is confined space and hazmet on St. Clair Street and on August 19th extrication training.  We also signed a contract with the Fire Fighters.  Our next meeting will be Wednesday, June 20th at 3:00.


Recreation, Linda Jordan:

Summer league basketball starts tonight.  Saturday, June 9th is the Red Devil track meet which is for the little kids.  Tomorrow starts the summer concert series.  This year we will have a few venders at the concerts.  The band Hoard & Jones will kick off the season.  We want to thank some of the donors.  Outback Steak House is providing food for the bands, West Texas Road House, Whiteside’s, Home Savings Bank, Colerain Golf Cart & Ideal Provisions.


Park District, Linda Jordan:

There was no meeting.  Adult swims are held on Monday evenings, beginning June 12th moonlight swims will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 to 10.  Next meeting is June 11th.



Law Director, Richard Myser

We have four pieces of Legislation tonight.  All four of them have already been discussed.  2018-12 is the ordinance amending the previous ordinance that we have authorizing bids up to $200,000 is amended to allow our paving bids to go up to $250,000. It has emergency language and Mr. Zucal is asking that it be passed tonight.


The next one is Resolution 2018-13.  It is the resolution authorizing the Mayor to apply for, accept and enter into a water supply revolving loan account agreement.  It also has emergency language in it and asking that this be passed tonight.


The next one is 2018-14 which the Finance Director is asking the County Auditor to certify the total current tax valuation of the City of St. Clairsville and the amount of revenue that would be generated by (0.95) Mill.  This needs to be passed tonight.


The next one is 2018-15 is the follow up to 2018-14.  This one does not need to be passed tonight.


There was presented and read to Council on its first reading by title only, ORDINANCE NO. 2018-12; AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCES NO. 2018-06 AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC SERVICES TO ACCEPT LOWEST BIDS FOR THE RESURFACING OF STREETS IN THE CITY OF ST. CLAIRSVILLE AND AUTHORIZING AN EXPENDITURE NOT TO EXCEED 250,000.00 FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2018 AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.  Perry Basile moved that the rules requiring Ordinances and Resolutions to be read on three separate readings be suspended and declaring an emergency; Linda Jordan seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                              Oprisch                       Yes

Bukmir                        Yes                              Sabatino                      Yes

Jordan             Yes                              Smith                           Yes

                                                                        Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Seven (7) Yes             Zero (0) No                 Motion Approved:


There was presented and read to Council on it third and final reading by title only, ORDINANCE NO. 2018-12. A motion was made by Linda Jordan and seconded by Frank Sabatino that Ordinance No. 2018-12 be passed by Council.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                              Oprisch                       Yes

Bukmir                        Yes                              Sabatino                      Yes

Jordan             Yes                              Smith                           Yes

                                                                        Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Seven (7) Yes             Zero (0) No                 Motion Approved:

Ordinance No. 2018-12 was declared adopted.




There was presented and read to Council on it first reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-13; A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ST. CLAIRSVILLE TO APPLY FOR, ACCEPT AND ENTER INTO A WATER SUPPLY REVOLVING LOAN ACCOUNT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW RESERVOIR AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.  Linda Jordan moved that the rules requiring Ordinances and Resolutions to be read on three separate readings be suspended and declaring an emergency; Mark Bukmir seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                              Oprisch                       Yes

Bukmir                        Yes                              Sabatino                      Yes

Jordan             Yes                              Smith                           Yes

                                                                        Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Seven (7) Yes             Zero (0) No                 Motion Approved:


There was presented and read to Council on its third and final reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-13.  A motion was made by Mike Smith and seconded by Frank Sabatino that Resolution No. 2018-13 be passed by Council.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                              Oprisch                       Yes

Bukmir                        Yes                              Sabatino                      Yes

Jordan             Yes                              Smith                           Yes

                                                                        Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Seven (7) Yes             Zero (0) No                 Motion Approved:

Resolution No. 2018-13 was declared adopted.


There was presented and read to Council on its first reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-14; A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COUNTY AUDITOR TO CERTIFY TO THE CITY OF ST. CLAIRSVILLE THE TOTAL CURRENT TAX VALUATION OF THE CITY OF ST. CLAIRSVILLE AND THE DOLLAR AMOUNT OF REVENUE THAT WOULD BE GENERATED BY NINETY-FIVE HUNDREDTHS (0.95) MILL AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.  Jim Velas moved that the rules requiring Ordinances and Resolutions to be read on three separate readings be suspended and declaring an emergency; Mark Bukmir seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                              Oprisch                       Yes

Bukmir                        Yes                              Sabatino                      Yes

Jordan             Yes                              Smith                           Yes

                                                                        Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Seven (7) Yes             Zero (0) No                 Motion Approved:




There was presented and read to Council on its third and final reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-14.  A motion was made by Frank Sabatino and seconded by Jim Velas that Resolution No. 2018-14 be passed by Council.


Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                              Oprisch                       Yes

Bukmir                        Yes                              Sabatino                      Yes

Jordan             Yes                              Smith                           Yes

                                                                        Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Seven (7) Yes             Zero (0) No                 Motion Approved:

Resolution No. 2018-14 was declared adopted.


There was presented and read to Council on its first reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-15;  A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NECESSITY FOR THE RENEWAL LEVY  OF A TAX IN EXCESS OF THE THEN (10) MILL LIMITATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF




NEW BUSINESS:  Mayor’s Report

The Mayor’s Collection for May 3l, 2018 is $4,554.05

A motion to accept the Mayor’s Report was made by Mike Smith and seconded by Linda Jordan

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                              Oprisch                       Yes

Bukmir                        Yes                              Sabatino                      Yes

Jordan             Yes                              Smith                           Yes

                                                                        Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote:           Seven (7) Yes             Zero (0) No                 Motion Approved:


NEXT MEETING:  Monday, June 18, 2018, at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers

There being no further business to come before Council, a motion to adjourn was made by Jim Velas and seconded by Frank Sabatino

June 4, 2018 Council Minutes