September 4, 2018 Council Minutes
September 4, 2018
St. Clairsville City Council met in Council Chambers on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 with the following present:
Tim Porter, Council President Terry Pugh, Mayor
Perry Basile, Council 1st Ward Jim Zucal, Service Director
Mark Bukmir, Council 3rd Ward Cindy Henry, Finance Director
Linda Jordan, Council-At-Large Richard Myser, Law Director
Beth Oprisch, Council-At-Large Jeff Henry, Police Chief
Frank Sabatino, Council 2nd Ward Tom Murphy, Planning & Zoning Administrator
Mike Smith, Council-At-Large Don Smithberger, Superintendent of Services
Jim Velas, Council 4th Ward
The meeting was called to order by President, Tim Porter
MINUTES: Minutes of the August 20, 2018 meeting were distributed to Council. A motion was made by Jim Velas and seconded by Linda Jordan to approve the Minutes of August 20, 2018.
Roll Call Vote:
Basile Yes Sabatino Yes
Bukmir Yes Smith Yes
Jordan Yes Velas Yes
Oprisch Yes
Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved
Dan Milleson: I am Dan Milleson, I am from Harrison County and I announced my campaign for the 95th District back in November of last year. This District basically cuts into St. Clairsville. About the I70/I470 split is where the 96th District starts. I have all of Western Belmont heading back this direction. The 95th District is Carroll, Harrison, half of Belmont, Noble, upper Washington County. It is the largest of all the 99 House Districts. I thought I would do something ambitious this summer and I hit 70 Towns in 36 days as a part of my Community Tour. The effort was to meet face to face with residents of every town to find out what was going on. What came back a lot of the time here in St. Clairsville and elsewhere was the drastic difference in local government funds that are coming from Columbus. If you compare the budget from 2010 to 2018 there is 1.2 billion less for Municipalities, County Government, Townships so that is something I would like to fix. The other issue is Education and what we can do in Columbus to restore the levels of funding that we use to fund education. Those are two of the main issues and you can get into the severance taxes and where that money is headed to. That is a question that anyone who serves on Council or any Commission asks is why are those taxes not coming back to us the same way that the Honda plant in Marysville get all of its tax revenue. So those things interest me a great deal and I want to leave you my contact information. Please reach out to me let me know what the issues are that you face in your community. I certainly want to advocate for those if I am successful and make it to the State House. I have been knocking on a lot of doors in your community and the response has been very positive but I think they are just happy to see somebody who is actually running for the office on their door step. They love where they live and you guys have got a lot of issues coming up this fall on the ballot.
Alicia Freeman: Thank you for letting me come and speak to you. I just briefly wanted to talk to you about who I am, what we are doing and what is happening in this community. My name is Alicia Freeman and I am the Executive Director for A Special Wish Foundation and I know that a flyer was placed in all of your mailboxes but I just wanted to talk to you a little bit about it and why it is so important to our community and that you attend. The biggest thing right now Belmont Savings Bank, one of our biggest corporate partners is hosting this event for us. All the proceeds go to A Special Wish Foundation we are not paying one single dime. They are paying for everything the food, the entertainment, everything. We can’t thank them enough so I am trying to do my part and telling everyone that I possibly can about this event. It is going to be a lot of fun. We know that some of our wish families will be there. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me or the bank. I just wanted you to put a face with my name and I want you to know that I support you as much as you support us.
Richard Myser: We are going to go into Executive Session under Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22 (G) (2) to consider property usage and matters within the City. A motion to go into Executive Session per Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22 (G) (2) was made by Beth Oprisch and seconded by Perry Basile.
Roll Call Vote:
Basile Yes Sabatino Yes
Bukmir Yes Smith Yes
Jordan Yes Velas Yes
Oprisch Yes
Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved
A motion to return to regular session was made by Jim Velas and seconded by Perry Basile.
Roll Call Vote:
Basile Yes Sabatino Yes
Bukmir Yes Smith Yes
Jordan Yes Velas Yes
Oprisch Yes
Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved
Service Director, Jim Zucal:
ODOT will be opening the Commons Mall Crossing road only to the Buffalo Wild Wings and the motel on September 15.
We are in the process of installing the dry chlorine system at the water plant.
We had an emergency last Friday when the pump went out at the Efaw lift station. It will be a major fix.
Mayor, Terry Pugh:
I would like to re-appoint Ed Reese to the Board of Zoning Appeals for 4 more years. A motion to re-appoint Ed Reese for 4 more years was made by Linda Jordan and seconded by Beth Oprisch.
Roll Call Vote:
Basile Yes Sabatino Yes
Bukmir Yes Smith Yes
Jordan Yes Velas Yes
Oprisch Yes
Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved
OMEGA is a ten county Local Development District comprised of Belmont, Carroll, Columbiana, Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, Holmes, Jefferson, Muskingum and Tuscarawas. We feel that it is beneficial for the City to belong. The cost to the City is $700 per year.
Police Chief, Jeff Henry: No Report
Finance Director, Cindi Henry: No Report
Planning & Zoning Administrator, Tom Murphy:
Thank you for reappointing Ed Reese to the Board of Zoning Appeals. He is a good member.
The Board of Zoning Appeals will meet on Tuesday, September 25th at 6:00 p.m. to consider the application of Whiteside of St. Clairsville requesting a conditional use on a vacant lot on Newell Avenue.
Finance, Mike Smith: No Report
Utilities, Frank Sabatino:
The Utility Committee met tonight, Jim Zucal summarized the meeting.
Don Smithberger: We are about finished with the pole removal on Marietta Street.
Remind Citizens not to post signs on the poles
Cindi Henry: We have new counters in the Utility Office thanks to the oil & gas money. Stop in and take a look.
Police, Mark Bukmir: No Report
Street North Side, Jim Velas: No Report
Street South Side, Beth Oprisch: No Report
Safety, Beth Oprisch: No Report
Building and Grounds, Perry Basile: Tomorrow I will have some time to go look at a building if you have time. Jim Zucal: Sure, I am here about 8:30 in the morning.
Planning Commission, Mike Smith: No Report
Recreation, Linda Jordan: Next meeting will be Monday, September 17th at 4:30
Park District, Linda Jordan: The pool is closed. There will be a meeting on Monday, September 10th at 4:30
Fire District, Frank Sabatino: Saturday & Sunday you may have seen members of our Fire Department collecting for Muscular Dystrophy. That has been a worthy project and our guys were well represented. Next meeting will be September 19th at 3:00 at the Main Station.
ORDINANCES & RESOLUTION: Law Director, Richard Myser
We have four pieces of legislation tonight. The first two Ordinance No. 2018-23 and Ordinance No. 2018-25 are to be read for the second time. The third piece of legislation is Resolution No. 2018-27 it is the resolution that the Mayor talked to you about stating that the City is supporting the School District’s endeavor to build a new educational campus. Resolution No. 2018-26 is allowing the Mayor and the City of St. Clairsville to join OMEGA he does want that passed tonight if possible.
There was presented and read to Council on its second reading by title only, ORDINANCE NO. 2018-23: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS TO LEASE OIL AND GAS OWNED BY THE CITY OF ST. CLAIRSVILLE, OHIO.
There was presented and read to Council on its second reading by title only; ORDINANCE NO. 2018-25: AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE THE 2018 REPRINTING OF THE ST. CLAIRSVILLE CODIFIED ORDINANCES; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.
(OMEGA) AS A FULL PARTICIPATING MEMBER AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Beth Oprisch moved that the rules requiring Ordinances and Resolutions to be read on three separate readings be suspended and declaring an emergency; Perry Basile seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote:
Basile Yes Sabatino Yes
Bukmir Yes Smith Yes
Jordan Yes Velas Yes
Oprisch Yes
Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved
There was presented and read on its third and final reading by title only, RESOLUTION NO. 2018-26. A motion was made by Beth Oprisch and seconded by Perry Basile that Resolution No. 2018-26 be passed by Council.
Roll Call Vote:
Basile Yes Sabatino Yes
Bukmir Yes Smith Yes
Jordan Yes Velas Yes
Oprisch Yes
Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved
Resolution No. 2018-26 was declared adopted.
CORRESPONDENCE: The Clerk read a letter from Christina Sirbaugh, St. Clairsville Student Council Advisor requesting permission to have their homecoming parade on Friday, October 5, 2018. A motion was made by Jim Velas and seconded by Perry Basil to allow the homecoming parade.
Roll Call Vote:
Basile Yes Sabatino Yes
Bukmir Yes Smith Yes
Jordan Yes Velas Yes
Oprisch Yes
Roll Call Vote: Seven (7) Yes Zero (0) No Motion Approved
The Next Council Meeting will be Monday, September 17, 2018 at 7:30 in Council Chambers.
There being no further business to come before Council a motion to adjourn was made by Mike Smith and seconded by Perry Basile.