City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

October 16, 2019 Council Minutes (Special Meeting)


October 16, 2019

St. Clairsville City Council met in Special Session in the Council Chambers on Monday, October 16, 2019 with the following present:

Perry Basile, Council, 1st Ward                         Jim Zucal, Director of Public Services

Mark Bukmir, Council 3rd Ward                       Richard Myser, Law Director

Linda Jordan, Council-At-Large                       Terry Pugh, Mayor

Frank Sabatino, Council, 2nd Ward                  Cindi Henry, Finance Director

Mike Smith, Council-At-Large

Jim Velas, Council 4th Ward

Council President Pro-Tem, Frank Sabatino opened the meeting and turned it over to Law Director, Richard Myser.

Law Director, Richard Myser:  I do not have any legislation to come before Council tonight but it has come to my attention that we need to go into executive session tonight pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code section 121.22 (1) too consider the appointment of an elected official and Section 121.22 (5) pertaining to matters of Federal and State Law that need to be held in confidence.

Executive Session: A motion was made by Jim Velas and seconded by Mark Bukmir to go into Executive Session per Ohio Revised Code Section (121.22 (1) Too consider the appointment of an elected official and  & 121.22 (5) pertaining to matters of Federal and State Law that need to be held in confidence.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile               No                                           Sabatino                       Yes

Bukmir             Yes                                          Smith                            No

Jordan              Yes                                          Velas                            Yes

Roll Call Vote               Four (Yes)                   Two (2) No                  Motion Approved

Mike Smith:  I would like to have Jeff Vaughn stay for the Executive Session.  Richard Myser:  The procedure that we have followed, who the Council wants to have in the Executive Session pursuant to our charter is up too Council.  Customarily they just have the members of the Administration stay.  If you want someone else to stay that is up too Council.  I guess Council needs to take a vote on that.  Jim Velas:  Is there a reason?  Mike Smith:  Jeff explains thing pretty well and later on if I have a question I would like to refer to him.  A motion too have Jeff Vaughn present for the Executive Session was made by Mike Smith and seconded by Perry Basile.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile               Yes                              Sabatino                       No

Bukmir             No                               Smith                           Yes

Jordan              No                              Velas                            No

Roll Call Vote               Two (2) Yes                 Four (4) No                 Motion Denied

A motion to return too Regular Session was made by Mark Bukmir and seconded by Jim Velas.

Roll Call Vote:

Basile                          Yes                                          Sabatino                      Yes

Bukmir                        Yes                                          Smith                           Yes

Jordan                         Yes                                          Velas                           Yes

Roll Call Vote               Six (6) Yes       Zero (0) No                 Motion Approved

There being no further business too come before Council a motion to adjourn was made by Mark Bukmir and seconded by Jim Velas.

October 16, 2019 Council Minutes (Special Meeting)_REVISED