Update from Mayor Kathryn Thalman
Press Release
Please know that the City of St. Clairsville is following State and National protocols to ensure the safety of our community.
We are working with HEAP, the program for utility aid, as well as reviewing our current policies, practices, and procedures and ordinances to assure that we will work with our residents regarding utilities.
We understand that many of our residents may be experiencing financial hardship–for some, made worse by the current situation. We’ve temporarily suspended disconnects for non-payment. We urge customers to make every effort to keep their accounts current during the period when disconnects are suspended. If you anticipate problems paying your utilities, please contact us at 740-695-1410.
We thank you for your patience during this unprecedented time.
Now that you are home, please watch your utility usage; turn lights off that are not being used, it’s a good time to evaluate our utility usage. With longer days and warmer weather, we can probably make strides to lower our utility bills.
As we have previously stated, every protocol is in place to keep our City workers as well as residents safe.
Please limit contact with others; maintain physical distancing of 6 feet. Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds or more. Self quarantine when family member or self is ill. President Trump’s directive now includes limiting groups to 10 or less.
If you are symptomatic, please call your Primary care Physician, Wheeling Hospital or Barnesville Hospital.
At this point, symptoms include:
Fever of 100.4
Sore throat
Dry cough
Difficulty breathing.
Call your Primary care Physician to see if they want you to be tested.
We will get through this. Let’s all exercise common sense and good judgement; don’t panic; let’s keep our City safe!
Mayor Kathryn Thalman