City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

June 23, 2020 Council Minutes (Special Meeting)


June 23, 2020 Special Council Meeting

[Teleconference format in compliance with temporary changes to Ohio’s Open Meetings Act]


Jim Velas, Council President                                            Kathryn Thalman, Mayor

Perry Basile, Council, 1st Ward                                        Open, Public Service/Safety Director

Mark Bukmir, Council, 3rd Ward                                      Annette Williams, Finance Director

Terra Butler, Council, 4th Ward                                        Elizabeth Glick, Law Director

Linda Jordan, Council-At-Large                                       Don Smithberger, Super. of General Services

Beth Oprisch, Council-At-Large                                       Tom Murphy, Planning & Zoning Administrator

Frank Sabatino, Council 2nd Ward

Mike Smith, Council-At-Large

Special meeting was called to order by Council President Jim Velas at 7:00pm. President Velas led Council in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Basile              HERE                                     Oprisch           HERE

Bukmir            HERE                                     Sabatino          HERE

Butler              HERE                                     Smith               HERE

Jordan             HERE             Seven (7) Present                    Zero (0) Absent

President Velas announced the special meeting was called to discuss the FOP contract negotiations to be discussed in executive session. Clerk of Council read Resolution 2020-20 for its second reading – no action taken.

EXECUTIVE SESSION was called by Mayor Thalman per ORC §121.22(G)(4) to discuss contract negotiations.

A motion was made by Councilwoman Butler to enter Executive Session; seconded by Councilwoman Oprisch.


Basile             YES                                        Oprisch           YES

Bukmir           YES                                        Sabatino          YES

Butler             YES                                        Smith               YES

Jordan            YES

Roll Call Vote:          Seven (7) YES        Zero (0) NO             Executive Session entered 7:03pm

Councilwoman Butler made the motion to exit Executive Session and resume open Regular Session; seconded by Councilman Smith. Regular Session resumed at 7:20pm.

ADJOURNMENT: With there being no further business to come before Council, meeting adjourned at 7:23pm.

Next meeting will be Monday, July 6, 2020 at 7:30pm via teleconference.

June 23, 2020 Council Minutes (Special Meeting)