City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

48-Hour Boil Order for Limited Section of East Main Street


TO:                      Media, Residents

FR:                      City of St. Clairsville

RE:                      Limited 48-Hour Boil Order

DATE:                 August 3, 2020

EFFECTIVE:        IMMEDIATE         


At 2:00 P. M., a 48-Hour Limited Boil Order took effect for City of  St. Clairsville businesses and residents on both sides of East Main Street (U.S. 40/National Road) from the first block of North Market Street east to just beyond Spruce Alley, and the north half of the final block of South Market Street, including 126 Main Street, ONLY.  The boil order is needed due to an unexpected water main break in Spruce Alley this morning.  City crews have restored water service.

Businesses and residents may experience discoloration due to the water line break and repair.  Any other utility customer who may have experienced water loss today in this vicinity also should comply with the boil order.

If questions, please call the Municipal Utilities Office on 740-695-1410.  Thank you.