City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

24-Hour Boil Order needed in a limited area of City on Dec. 14th beginning at 5 P. M.


TO:                      Media, Residents

FR:                      City of St. Clairsville

RE:                      Limited 24-Hour Boil Order for Certain Residents in

                                  Vicinity of S. Marietta St. 

DATE:                  December 14, 2020

EFFECTIVE:        IMMEDIATE         


Beginning at 5 P. M. on Monday, December 14, a 24-Hour Boil Order is in effect for a limited number of City residents, specifically, those living at:

  • 156 Woodrow Avenue;
  • South Marietta – odd numbered residences (east side of the street) between Woodrow Avenue and Ruggles Avenue;
  • 202 – 212 Park Street; and
  • 101 and 103 Ruggles Avenue.

The boil order is being issued due to an unexpected water line break earlier this afternoon.  City crews have restored water service to these households.

Residents may experience discoloration due to the repair.  Any other utility customer who may have experienced water loss today in this vicinity also should comply with the boil order.

If questions, please call the Municipal Utilities Office on 740-695-1410.  Thank you.
