City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

Spring Yard Waste Pickup and Hydrant Flushing began Monday, April 19


DATE:         March 31, 2021


SUBJECT:   Yard Waste Pickup and Hydrant Flushing Scheduled


City of St. Clairsville’s Utility Crews will pick up YARD WASTE ONLY on five (5) days in April:  Monday, April 19 through Friday, April 23.  Yard waste includes small tree and/or shrub branches which have naturally fallen over the winter months, yard trimmings, garden waste, and leaves ONLY.

Residents are advised that the YARD WASTE ONLY must be placed near the curb but NOT on the sidewalk or City streets.  All bagged yard waste must be in paper lawn and leaf bags (not plastic) since these bags can be composted easily.  Many local stores carry the required paper lawn and leaf bags.

The yard waste collections will be organized by ward, beginning with Ward 1 on Monday, Ward 2 on Tuesday, Ward 3 on Wednesday, and Ward 4 on Thursday.  (If you are uncertain in which ward you live, click on City Government, City Officials links on the website, and the red button “View Council Ward Map” at the bottom of the page.)  Please contact 740-695-1324 or 740-695-0156 to arrange for any collection which might be needed on Friday, April 23, the final day.

The City also will be performing hydrant flushing throughout the City the week of April 19 through April 23.  Crews will place signs along streets in advance of the flushing.  Residents are advised that there may be some temporary discoloration in their water and/or change in water pressure.

For questions about hydrant flushing, please call the Municipal Utilities Office on 740-695-1410; after normal business hours, you can leave a message with the answering service.  Thank you.
