City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

June 21, 2021 Council Minutes


June 21, 2021 Meeting

Jim Velas, Council President                                            Kathryn Thalman, Mayor

Perry Basile, Council, 1st Ward                                        Jeremy Greenwood, Public Service/Safety Director

Mark Bukmir, Council, 3rd Ward                                     Don Smithberger, Super. of General Services

Terra Butler, Council, 4th Ward                                        Annette Williams, Finance Director

Linda Jordan, Council-At-Large                                       Matthew Arbenz, Chief of Police

Beth Oprisch, Council-At-Large                                       Tom Murphy, Planning & Zoning Administrator

Frank Sabatino, Council 2nd Ward                                   Elizabeth Glick, Law Director

Mike Smith, Council-At-Large

The meeting was called to order by Council President Jim Velas at 7:30 pm. President Velas led Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members of the public were thanked for their attendance.


Basile              ABSENT                                 Oprisch           HERE

Bukmir            HERE                                     Sabatino          HERE

Butler              HERE                                     Smith               HERE

Jordan             HERE            Six (6) Present             One (1) Absent

MINUTES: President Velas confirmed all councilmembers received the minutes from June 7th Council meeting. Councilwoman Oprisch made a motion to approve the minutes from June 7, 2021 Council meeting; motion seconded by Councilman Basile.


Basile              ABSENT                                 Oprisch            YES

Bukmir            YES                                        Sabatino          YES

Butler              YES                                        Smith               YES

Jordan             ABSTAIN

Roll Call Vote:      Five (5) YES         Zero (0) NO     One (1) ABSTAIN   One (1) ABSENT          Minutes Approved

REPORTS: Mayor Kathryn Thalman reports Community Day will be Saturday, June 26th, at 4 pm and fireworks will begin at dusk; on July 3rd, there will be a bike parade for kids to participate in at 11 am and a car parade will begin at 12 pm. Mayor reports she participated in several meetings, including an OMEGA webinar meeting concerning timelines of application for projects, Ohio GIG to bring fiberoptic internet to the County, meeting regarding the South Park project, board meeting for East Ohio Hospital, and several meetings regarding private concerns of individual citizens. Mayor attended the retirement ceremony of the United States flags at the American Legion on Flag Day, June 14th. Mayor attended a Police meeting and Building and Grounds meeting. Mayor attended an Ohio Municipal zoom meeting concerning Ohio University. Mayor met with Buckeye Hills officers and OMEGA to discuss grant opportunities.

Councilwoman Oprisch asked if it will cost the City to install the fiberoptic internet; Mayor stated it will not cost but asked for the City’s corporation to dig the lines. Mayor stated they are going to coordinate with them to include City infrastructure while they are doing the digging. Councilwoman Oprisch asked the timeline of this project; Mayor stated they should be starting out at Belmont College in July but the timeline of starting in the City is still unknown.

Councilwoman Jordan stated she wanted to thank Mr. Brooks for initiating the South Park project and bringing it to the City’s attention.

Service Safety Director Jeremy Greenwood reports he is still working on coordinating the streets with paving, researching old water tank inspection reports, and redoing a public records request for the property at the East end of the City. Mr. Greenwood participated in several meetings, including Ohio GIG, South Park meeting, 6-month evaluations for employees, Richland Township trustee and Street superintendent, Senator Brown’s aids, Law Director on various projects, local realtor on a few issues, Police committee meeting, Building and Grounds committee meeting, budget meetings with each department, season help interviews, Rec Board meeting, Electric department staff on a contract issue, public records mediation call, OMEGA zoom meeting, local car dealerships for truck bids, and with US Congressman Bill Johnson. Completed projects include WW fence repairs and dam repairs. Mr. Greenwood reports there will be a South Park Community meeting July 7th at 7 pm. JB Green Team’s Community Clean Up for Richland Township will be June 26th from 9 am to 1 pm at the Belmont County Fair Grounds. Mr. Greenwood reports they are working on a schedule for curb, sidewalk, and driveway repairs. Mr. Greenwood stated they are still looking at the Inflow and Infiltration Control Plan and will be sending out downspout letters to the City and looking into smoke testing this summer. Building projects still in progress, include renting the building [S. Sugar] to Belmont County Soil and Water, fire building to Cumberland Trail Fire District, touchless fixtures in the City building and Rec Center restrooms, City building Utility window awning, road/utility access, and Train Station renovations by Belmont College Building Preservation/ Restoration program; Mr. Greenwood thanked Mr. Dave Mertz, Derick Smith, and Belmont College students for their hard work. Updating the Administrative Policies and Procedures, contract is up in July. Mr. Greenwood reminds all residents to not blow grass clippings into the street due to clogging the storm sewer lines and safety issue; warnings will be sent out and then cited into Mayor’s Court. Electric department working on primary line at the Jr. Sports field, AEP Sub Station, new services, powerline work, light pole at the corner of Route 40 and S. Marietta, disconnects, and equipment repairs. Water/Wastewater department has replaced the blower at the Main Plant, West End Plant bed 3 is running and 1 and 2 are drying, replaced hydrant on East Lawn that was hit, sewer plugs, testing sampler for E Coli ordered, current water loss 32%, and last day for Contract for Quality Environmental will be July 4th. EPA has inspected the West End Plant beds on June 15th and will have to address the condition of the chlorine shed. East End Connection is out for bid and due by July 9th at 11 am; mandated by the EPA due to the 6” cast iron pipe not big enough to supply the City and existing valves in bad condition. Water Distribution system has had 21 breaks this year and reported 33 in 2020. Street department crews are replacing the light pole at Main and Marietta, mowing, hot patching streets and alleys, equipment repairs, and street sweeping. Rec Center has Community Day on June 26th at 4 pm and fireworks at dusk, fishing tournament in August, summer basketball ends this week, all 10 concerts are booked, working on South Park, and taking reservation for renting the Rec Center. Rec Center is looking for volunteers to work Community Day, please contact the Rec Center if interested. The Red Devil Classic Track meet was cancelled due to lack of participants, but with many requests the are looking into rescheduling it. Police department has had a request to close Hanson on July 4th for a block party, issues with jet packs [mobile hotspots] for in car laptops, and researching requirements for requests on speed bumps.

Councilwoman Jordan asked the status on paving; Mr. Greenwood stated the crews are patching but he is researching what roads will be paved in coordination to other work. Councilwoman Oprisch asked when should the list of paving be finished; Mr. Greenwood was anticipating today but after meeting with all superintendents other issues arose.

Councilman Bukmir asked if our water detection equipment is in to help with the 32% water loss; Mr. Greenwood stated the equipment is in, but the trainer is Canada and is under restriction due to Covid and may be able to train on July 21st. Mr. Greenwood stated the crews have been through a virtual training and they are going to test using the equipment.

Councilwoman Oprisch asked if tonight’s Ordinance will take care of transferring the fire building to Cumberland Trail; Law Director Elizabeth Glick stated the Mayor has now been given authorization to sign the deed and transfer it to the CIC. Law Director Elizabeth Glick is currently waiting on the deed from Attorney Myser.

Councilwoman Oprisch asked status on South Park; Mr. Greenwood stated they have had several meetings on it and will have a community meeting on July 7th at the Rec Center; fliers will be passed out. Mr. Greenwood stated they want the community’s input to know their needs and how many grants needed to fund this project.

Police Matt Arbenz Not present.

Finance Director Annette Williams stated she gave Council a copy of 2022 budget and a tax budget is due to the auditor by July 15th; any question please contact Ms. Williams. Ms. Williams states she will have an appropriation final budget for 2022 also. Ms. Williams stated Ms. McMillen sent an email to Council regarding Allstate insurance accident plan. Ms. Williams stated Doug Byrne from Allstate will be at the City building at 9 am to offer the plan to the City employees and elected officials and he can return for those who can not make it.

Planning & Zoning Administrator Tom Murphy reports a Planning Commissions meeting is set up for July 19th at 6 pm in the Municipal building; only item on the agenda is the final plan for the CFM Express. Mr. Murphy stated he is setting up a special meeting with the Planning Commission for the final plan approval of the Bell Store project in early August. Mr. Murphy states a new business, For the Love of Perogies, will be opening in September at 110 West Main St. Mr. Murphy stated Doug Walsh [Director of the St. Clairsville Public Library] contacted him and stated the Story Walk has begun around the City.


Finance Chair Mike Smith: Councilman Smith stated at tonight’s committee meeting they discussed the 2022 budget has been sent for Council’s review and the City’s credit rating has increased. Councilman Smith stated the audit is almost done and after will be a post-audit meeting open to attend.  Councilman Smith, Mayor, and Mr. Greenwood met with Congressman Johnson today to discuss money that will be available to the City; Congressman Johnson stated his office will assist with any grants.

Utilities Chair Terra Butler: No report.

Police Chair Beth Oprisch: Councilwoman Oprisch stated at the committee meeting on June 14th they discussed the block party request on Hanson St. and approved it. Councilwoman Oprisch stated they addressed speeding on Hanson and plan to replace/add signage and increase patrol. The committee also discussed getting portable radar detectors to alert drivers of their speed and signs for parking at Print n’ Copy. Councilwoman Oprisch stated they discussed filling the parking meter attendant position. Councilwoman Oprisch stated they discussed the Ordinance of grass clippings in the street; 1st is a letter to inform the resident of this Ordinance, 2nd is a letter to warn, and 3rd is visit to Mayor’s Court. Councilwoman Oprisch stated the next Police committee meeting is July 12th at 7 pm in Council Chambers.

Streets – North Side Chair Perry Basile: Not present 

Streets – South Side Chair Frank Sabatino: Councilman Sabatino stated since hot patching has started, south side streets are in need. 

Safety Chair Frank Sabatino: No report. 

Building and Grounds Chair Perry Basile: Not present.

Planning Commission Chair Frank Sabatino: No report.

Fire Chair Frank Sabatino: Councilman Sabatino stated they met June 16th at the main station. Councilman Sabatino stated they approved the acceptance of a grant totaling $4,725 and approved an annual Information Technology contract from East Central Ohio totaling $4,500. Councilman Sabatino reported the completion of the 2019 and 2020 finance audit are at the next Fire Board meeting July 14th at 3 pm at the Main station.

Recreation Chair Linda Jordan: Councilwoman Jordan stated the Recreation committee report has been give at length by administration and has nothing to add.

Park District Chair Linda Jordan: Councilwoman Jordan stated the attendance is higher at the Park and several people are enjoying the 18-hole disk golf.

ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: Law Director Elizabeth Glick addressed one piece of legislation before Council.

A motion was made by Councilwoman Jordan that the rules requiring three separate readings be suspended on Ordinance 2021-16 and that the ordinance be passed on an emergency basis; seconded by Councilwoman Oprisch.



Basile              ABSENT                                 Oprisch           YES

Bukmir            YES                                        Sabatino          YES

Butler              YES                                        Smith               YES

Jordan             YES

Roll Call Vote:     Six (6) YES           Zero (0) NO      One (1) ABSENT     Rules requiring three separate readings suspended

Vote to pass Ordinance No. 2021-16:


Basile              ABSENT                                 Oprisch           YES

Bukmir            YES                                        Sabatino          YES

Butler              YES                                        Smith               YES

Jordan             YES

Roll Call Vote:     Six (6) YES           Zero (0) NO      One (1) ABSENT

ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council, Councilman Sabatino made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Councilman Smith. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Next meeting will be Tuesday, July 6th, 2021 at 7:30 pm. All Councilmembers will be present at the City building for the next meeting. Members of the public are welcome to join the in-person meeting in the Council Chambers.

June 21, 2021 Council Minutes