City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

City to celebrate Arbor Day today, May 6, at 1:00 P. M.


TO:             Media and Public

FROM:       Mayor Kathryn Thalman

DATE:        April 22, 2022



Mayor Kathryn Thalman announces the City’s annual Arbor Day celebration is planned for Friday, May 6, at 1:00 P. M.  The event will be held in Central Park adjacent to the parking lot just below Fair Avenue near the J.B. Martin Recreation – Senior Center.  Mayor Thalman invites interested residents to join in this outdoor celebration of our City’s urban forest and management efforts.

Mayor Thalman adds: “National Arbor Day is April 29, 2022, and this year marks the 150th anniversary of this tree planter’s holiday.  So, the City of St. Clairsville is especially excited about its event this year.”  The first American Arbor Day was celebrated in Nebraska in 1872 at which time one million trees were planted in the state.  For more information about this annual tree-planting commemoration, please visit:

Mayor Thalman will present a Proclamation in honor of the City’s Arbor Day.  “I am pleased that the City of St. Clairsville has maintained for twenty-two years its status as a Tree City USA, through a program sponsored by the National Arbor Day Foundation,” stated Mayor Thalman.  Lola Lewis, Regional Urban Forester, with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Forestry Region 6, will present to the City its 22nd consecutive Tree City USA award.  Brief remarks by City officials will be accompanied by a blessing of the recently planted trees, offered by Thoburn United Methodist Church’s clergy.

The City also wishes to thank the Belmont Soil & Water Conservation District for its recent donation of saplings for planting around the City.  If questions, please call 740-695-1324.


PRESS RELEASE_2022 StC Arbor Day Celebration_May 6 2022 Central Park