City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

May 16, 2022 Council Minutes


May 16, 2022 Meeting

Jim Velas, Council President                                            Kathryn Thalman, Mayor

Don Vincenzo, Council, 1st Ward                                    Jeremy Greenwood, Public Service/Safety Director

Mark Thomas, Council, 3rd Ward                                     Don Smithberger, Super. of General Services

Terra Butler, Council, 4th Ward                                         Annette Williams, Finance Director

Linda Jordan, Council-At-Large                                       Matthew Arbenz, Chief of Police

Beth Oprisch, Council-At-Large                                       Tom Murphy, Planning & Zoning Administrator

JC Thrash, Council 2nd Ward                                            Elizabeth Glick, Law Director

Mike Smith, Council-At-Large

The meeting was called to order by Council President Pro Tempore Beth Oprisch at 7:00 pm. President Pro Tempore Beth Oprisch led Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members of the public were thanked for their attendance.


Butler                   HERE                                              Thrash                  HERE

Jordan                  HERE                                              Thomas               HERE

Oprisch                HERE                                               Vincenzo             HERE

Smith                   HERE

Seven (7) Present                          Zero (0) Absent

MINUTES: President Pro Tempore Beth Oprisch confirmed all Councilmembers received the minutes from the May 2nd Council Meeting. Councilman Thrash made a motion to approve the minutes from May 2, 2022, Council Meeting; motion seconded by Councilman Smith.


Butler                   ABSTAIN                                        Thrash                  YES

Jordan                  YES                                                Thomas               YES

Oprisch               ABSTAIN                                        Vincenzo         YES

Smith                   YES

Roll Call Vote:    Five (5) YES    Zero (0) NO    Two (2) ABSTAIN    Zero (0) ABSENT

Minutes Approved

NEW BUSINESS: Councilwoman Jordan spoke on behalf of the Bible Reading Task Force and thanked the City for its support during the National Day of Prayer and the Bible Reading Marathon.



REPORTS: Mayor Kathryn Thalman reported that the past Friday was the first Food Truck Friday, where there will be a food truck in the front of the Courthouse every Friday until Labor Day. Moreover, the past Saturday was the Second Saturday event in the City. All the businesses are open with other activities around town; this event will be held every second Saturday of the month until Labor Day. The Mayor congratulated St. Clairsville Schools for the Lion King and Wizard of Oz productions. The Arbor Day celebration was held on May 6th, where the City planted 15 trees, one for every ten years of Arbor Day.

Service/Safety Director Jeremy Greenwood reported that four companies are currently interested in providing the City with a Gas Aggregation Program. The I-70 Water Line Project pre-construction meeting was held. Two out of the three Water Tanks have been inspected, and the inspector plans on completing the last one within the week. The Utility Office sent out notifications for Sewer Smoke Testing in May’s water bill. The West End sand bed is up and functioning. The new salt spreader was ordered and delivered. Furthermore, the lights have been fixed at the Jr. Sports Field. There have been eight water line breaks this year. The Reservoirs are getting their yearly HABs treatment. Lastly, Mr. Greenwood thanked the Police Department for all their hard work as it is National Police Week.

Councilman Thrash asked Mr. Greenwood when the Water Distribution Project would bid. Mr. Greenwood stated they are still waiting on comments from the EPA and further coordination from AT&T and Columbia Gas.

Councilwoman Jordan asked to please be forwarded all communications from the EPA. 

Police Chief Matt Arbenz reported that the Police Department assisted with the St. Mary’s 5K Walk and the Second Saturdays Event with no incidents to report. Officer Yates received a certificate to teach the Law Enforcement Approach to Domestic Violence. The Police Force will complete more training on the use of Less Lethal Impact Weapons. Chief Arbenz informed Council that Officer Wheeler assisted the Ohio State Highway Patrol with a drone deployment during a recent crash on the interstate. Lastly, Chief Arbenz thanked the Belmont County Sheriff’s Office, Ohio State Highway Patrol, Richland Township Police Department, and Cumberland Trail Fire Department for their assistance during the incident that occurred on Main Street.

Finance Director Annette Williams reported a Finance Committee meeting tonight, where Councilman Smith will go into greater detail on what occurred. The Revenue for 2022 is on target, while expenses are 11% under what was anticipated, in part because of not being able to get things due to the supply shortage. 

Planning & Zoning Administrator Tom Murphy reported that permit requests have been picking up due to warmer weather. Mr. Murphy explained to Council his recent finding from the Council’s request to research the population in each Ward so Council could decide if they are following the Charter as written or determine that Council should revise the Charter. Mr. Murphy explained that for each Ward to be proportional, there would need to be 1,224 inhabitants in each Ward. Mr. Murphy found that Ward 1 has 793 inhabitants, Ward 2 has 1,777 inhabitants, Ward 3 has 1,289 inhabitants, and Ward 4 has 1,287 inhabitants. Furthermore, Mr. Murphy explained that if Council wished to follow the Charter correctly, there should be a committee set up to look at changing the boundaries of the Wards to conform to the Charter. But if the Council wished to stay with the geographical boundaries already in place, the Law Director could write legislation to revise the Charter.

Councilman Thomas explained that he feels that we should stick to geographical boundaries rather than change the wards to fit the population.

Council agreed with Councilman Thomas and expressed that they would like the Law Director to write legislation that would change the Charter to having Wards based on geographical boundaries.  


Finance Chair Mike Smith   reported that the City is in the early stages of preparing for the Audit. With the $5 million grant, the City would submit bills to the State from the waterline project so that they can pay them, so the City wouldn’t have to front any money. The Finance Committee discussed the Investment Committee, but the Finance Committee wants to gather more information before bringing its recommendations to Council. Councilman Smith asked the Council’s opinion on paving. Mr. Greenwood explained that the cost of paving had risen significantly. With the recent $5 million grant, only two options would be financially responsible for Council. First Council could choose to completely rebuild Edinburgh Way and a partial rebuild on Kilsythe Court for $236,000. The second option is that the Council could decide to pave certain roads that the waterline replacement will not touch in phase 1 but other phases. After a lengthy discussion between the Council on the pros and cons of each option, Council decided that Edinburgh Way and Kilsythe Court are in the direst need of replacement. Council asked the Law Director to amend the prior legislation from 2021 on paving to allow for more money to replace the two streets.

Utilities Chair Terra No report

Police Chair Beth Oprisch No report.  

Streets – North Side Chair Don Vincenzo reported that residents of Green Tree had approached him about their dissatisfaction with the garbage company emptying the Legion’s trash at 4 am. Councilman Vincenzo asked if there was a remedy that the City could help provide. Chief Arbenz stated that the Legion is outside the City’s jurisdiction and recommends talking to the Legions Commander or speaking to the trash company.

Streets – South Side Chair JC Thrash asked Mr. Greenwood if he could set up a meeting with all the trash companies that operate within the City’s limit. The large size and heavy weight of the garbage trucks on some streets damage the roads. Councilman Thrash would like to ask the companies to use the smaller truck on residential roads to alleviate the risk of damage.

Safety Chair JC Thrash No report.

Building and Grounds Chair Linda Jordan No report.

Planning Commission Chair Mark Thomas No report.

Fire Chair Linda Jordan No report.

Recreation Chair Mark Thomas reported the Summer Concert Series would kick off May 26th at 6 pm, with Eli and the Mojo Kings performing.

Park District Chair Linda Jordan reported that the Park is on target to be open for Memorial Day. The Allen Pools will have free admission all Memorial Day Weekend.

ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: Law Director Elizabeth Glick

No Ordinances or Resolutions

ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council, Councilman Smith made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Councilman Thrash. The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 P.M.

The next meeting will be Monday, June 6, 2022, at 7:00 P.M. All Councilmembers will be present at the City Building for the next meeting. Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting in the Council Chambers.

May 16, 2022 Council Minutes