August 1, 2022 Council Minutes
August 1, 2022 Meeting
Jim Velas, Council President Kathryn Thalman, Mayor
Don Vincenzo, Council, 1st Ward Jeremy Greenwood, Public Service/Safety Director
Mark Thomas, Council, 3rd Ward Don Smithberger, Super. of General Services
Terra Butler, Council, 4th Ward Annette Williams, Finance Director
Linda Jordan, Council-At-Large Matthew Arbenz, Chief of Police
Beth Oprisch, Council-At-Large Tom Murphy, Planning & Zoning Administrator
JC Thrash, Council 2nd Ward Elizabeth Glick, Law Director
Mike Smith, Council-At-Large
The meeting was called to order by Council President Jim Velas at 7:00 pm. President Velas led Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members of the public were thanked for their attendance.
Butler HERE Thrash ABSENT
Jordan HERE Thomas HERE
Oprisch HERE Vincenzo HERE
Five (5) Present Two (2) Absent
MINUTES: President Jim Velas confirmed all Councilmembers received the minutes from the July 18th Council Meeting. Councilman Thomas made a motion to approve the minutes from July 18, 2022, Council Meeting; motion seconded by Councilwoman Jordan.
Butler YES Thrash ABSENT
Jordan YES Thomas YES
Oprisch YES Vincenzo YES
Roll Call Vote: Five (5) YES Zero (0) NO Zero (0) ABSTAIN Two (2) ABSENT
Minutes Approved
NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Thomas reminded Council about House Bill 377 that the Legislature passed, giving communities funds for projects through the OHIO BUILDS grant system. Councilman Thomas asked Council to consider what the City could put an application in for the grant. Lastly, Councilman Thomas discussed downtown revitalization and how many small communities receive funds from the State to revitalize their downtown areas.
REPORTS: Mayor Kathryn Thalman reported that she attended the Wheeling International Film Festival at Towngate theater. Organized by a St. Clairsville gentleman, it featured 15 15-minute films submitted worldwide. The Mayor reported that she had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Madgyar afterward, where he expressed interest in helping do the same thing in St. Clairsville. Furthermore, the Mayor reported that Governor DeWine and Mrs. Fran DeWine were at the Library to announce a donation from Gulfport Energy to the Dolly Parton Reading Imagination Library. Consul General of Japan Yusake Shindo and his wife met for dinner at Belmont Hills Country Club to discuss potential business opportunities in St. Clairsville. The Mayor also invited Josh Meyer and Jerry Echemann to represent the County. Lastly, the Mayor asked Rec Director Eric Gay to speak. Rec Director Gay announced that Rocco Balog of St. Clairsville will be the new Rec Center Program Supervisor.
Councilman Vincenzo thanked Gulfport Energy for donating to the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.
Councilwoman Oprisch thanked the Mayor for presenting the City to Consul General Shindo. Moreover, Councilwoman Oprsich asked about the individuals whose dog killed another dog last year. The Mayor stated that the individuals attended Mayor’s Court, where the Mayor required them to build a fence to contain their dog. There will be a two-week grace period for building the fence, and every week after that, they will be fined $100.
Service/Safety Director Jeremy Greenwood [ABSENT] Superintendent Don Smithberger reported that the Street Department has been busy patching potholes and preparing the Red Lights for the School Year. The recent power outage in the City was caused by AEPs 69 line being down. The Wastewater Department has been busy with Sewer Smoke Testing.
Councilman Vincenzo asked how many streets have been completed with the Sewer Smoke Testing. Utility Manager Anita Robinson stated that there are six more streets left in Ward One, and they will start in Ward Two.
Police Chief Matt Arbenz reported in July, there were 384 calls to service, one swat team callout, four crashes, 20 arrests, four warrants served, seven domestic violence calls, and 124 traffic stops. Chief Arbenz stated that he had the privilege to escort representatives from the Beyond the Call of Duty to the Wheeling Federal Building, where they honored two agents who lost their lives from COVID-19. Chief Arbenz noted that since his last report, one Officer had completed evidence room custodian training, two more Officers are training for lockpicking and bypass training, and all Officers are in the progress of completing their mandatory 24-hour continuing professional training.
Finance Director Annette Williams [ABSENT] No report.
Planning & Zoning Administrator Tom Murphy reported that the Board of Zoning appeals is meeting Wednesday, August 3rd, at 6 pm to discuss variances requested from Trinity Health System for their project on the old NAPA property and Ed Perzanowski on Forest Lawn to create parking spaces.
Councilman Thomas asked Mr. Murphy about preserving the portion of the Old National Road in front of the old NAPA where Trinity will be building. Mr. Murphy stated that he has spoken with Trinity about preserving the Road, but he is unaware at this time of what plans they have for it.
Finance Chair Mike Smith [ABSENT] No report.
Utilities Chair Terra reported that the Utility Committee met before the Council Meeting, where they discussed July’s Billing Report.
Police Chair Beth Oprisch No report.
Streets – North Side Chair Don Vincenzo reported that he had a request from a Citizen to put up a Children Playing sign near the intersection of Legion Road and Talbot Avenue. Superintendent Don Smithberger stated that the Street Department would confirm the area to ensure the proper placement of the sign.
Streets – South Side Chair JC Thrash [ABSENT] No report.
Safety Chair JC Thrash [ABSENT] No report.
Building and Grounds Chair Linda Jordan No report.
Planning Commission Chair Mark Thomas No report.
Fire Chair Linda Jordan reported that the Fire Board approved the hiring of Nathan Yost as a part-time employee, effective July 25th, at $14.50 per hour.
Recreation Chair Mark Thomas reported that the Fall Fest will be on September 10th at 4:30 pm; there will be four bands, food vendors, ax throwing, and drinks. Kids participating in the County’s C-Cap program will be landscaping at the Rec Center. On the first Thursday of every month for the rest of the year, the St. Clairsville Area Chamber of Commerce will hold its safety meeting at the Rec Center. Moreover, Councilman Thomas reported that Friday, August 12th, there will be an all-night catfishing tournament at the Reservoir.
Park District Chair Linda Jordan No report.
ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: Law Director Elizabeth Glick
No Ordinances or Resolutions
ADJOURNMENT: With no further business to come before Council, Councilwoman Butler made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Councilman Vincenzo. The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 P.M.
The next meeting will be Monday, August 15, 2022, at 7:00 P.M. All Councilmembers will be present at the City Building for the next meeting. Members of the public are encouraged to attend the meeting in the Council Chambers.