City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

Storm Water Management

Storm Water Management – St. Clairsville has a municipal storm water sewer system.  Our system is separated from our sanitary facilities.  It is considered a small municipal separate storm sewer system or MS4.  In order to discharge storm water, as regulated by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) guidelines, St. Clairsville must seek and gain the approval of the Ohio EPA.   The main goal of this document is to ensure that this storm water management plan meets all requirements and addresses public education and outreach on storm water impacts, public involvement and participation, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site storm water run-off control, post-construction storm water management in new development and redevelopment and pollution prevention and good housekeeping.

Storm Water Quality Ordinance – The purpose of the Storm Water Quality Ordinance is to establish technically feasible and economically reasonable standards to achieve a level of erosion and sediment control that will minimize damage to property and degradation of water resources and wetlands, and will promote and maintain the health and safety of the citizens of Saint Clairsville.

Pollution Solutions for Businesses Flyer

Water Quality Incident Report Hotline Number – 740-695-1410

Public Education for Storm Water Management


In 2012, the City of St. Clairsville took over the management of its storm water runoff. The Environmental Protection Agency’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls water pollution by regulating what gets put into the streams and riparian corridors of our community. St. Clairsville, being a municipality, must acquire a permit from the EPA each year due to our storm water runoff going directly into surface waters such as creeks and streams. St. Clairsville has adopted a storm water management plan and a water quality ordinance as required by the EPA designed to protect properties and surface waters from damage caused by storm water runoff. These documents are available for review at the Municipal Building. The City of St. Clairsville intends to protect our soil from erosion and our water courses from contaminants.

Important information for residents, businesses and property owners in the City

Absolutely no storm water can be tied into the municipal sanitary sewer or storm drain system.


Educating the public is one of the components that assist in ensuring we protect the soil and water courses. If our citizens are aware of what can damage our community then they will practice ways of ensuring they do not do damage. Click on the links below for further education.

Links for Additional Information on Stormwater Management