City of St. Clairsville
City of St. Clairsville

Business Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a City business license?

A City business license is not required but a zoning permit is required prior to opening a business. The cost is $35. Contact Tom Murphy at the City at 740-695-1953 or

Does the City have a B & O tax?

No, the City does not have a B & O tax.

Does the City have an income tax?

Yes. The City has an income tax of .75% or 3/4%. The City contracts with the Regional Income Tax Agency (RITA) to collect and disburse the income tax annually. The Finance Department does not have access to any documentation on the individual taxpayers. Therefore, if you have any questions concerning your account(s), please contact RITA directly at 1-800-860-7482.

Does the County have any requirements for a business or any tax I should be aware of? Does the State have any requirements for a business or any tax I should be aware of? Does the City having zoning regulations?

Yes. It is recommended that you call or email the City’s Planning & Zoning Administrator to ensure that your intended use is permitted and to ensure you are following the City Code properly. Contact Tom Murphy at 740-695-1953 or to set up a meeting.

Does the City have any sign guidelines?

Yes. The City does have a sign permit process that must be followed. This process requires completing an application, providing a sign proposal and in some cases presenting a sign proposal to the Board of Architectural Review. Some of the sign guidelines are on the City’s website. However, it is recommended that you sit down with the City to ensure that you are aware of the guidelines and what is actually permitted before paying for a proposal. Contact Tom Murphy at 740-695-1953 or to set up a meeting.

Is a Vendor’s License required?

There is a vendor’s license required for various types of sales, for example, a door to door salesman? The relevant section of the City Code is Chapter 705. Contact the Chief of Police at 740-695-0123.

Must I register for City utilities?

The City does take care of most electric, water and sewer in the municipality. Your landlord should let you know if they will take care of the utilities or if you need to put them in your name. The City’s Utility Office phone number is 740-695-1410.

Is a building permit required?

If you are intending on changing the use of a structure or changing the interior, the state may require that you get a building permit. In some cases, the City does require a permit prior to construction.